Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This is the new America...which is about as successful as the "New Coke"

I had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with this genius in 1991.  He is truly a legend.  Stand up comedy is so interesting to me. Generally, I find it very unfunny, especially if someone is trying to make me laugh. Laughter should be the by-product of very clever and ironic insight.  Stand-up, at least to me, is all about pointing out the intricacies of life, the mundane things that people tend to ignore as normal.  All the great ones make this seem effortless; Seinfeld is particularly adept.  I wish more people would point out the ineptitude of our Government.  The problem in America though, is most people either aren't smart enough to comprehend or invested enough to care one way or the other.  Nothing in life rattles my cage more than apathy.  Have some stance.  Don't meander through life with no passion for anything.  But, you know, when Gov't rewards mediocrity, stifles technology and job growth, limits small business expansion, urges companies to seek foreign land for tax shelters, and blatantly discourages people getting OFF of Gov't assistance, what's the point in having passion.  These people's passion extends to the voting booth and no further.  Welfare and unemployment have become careers, not a way to keep you afloat until you find something else.  Obama and the democrats want this and encourage this behavior.  If you can't see this, you're an ostrich and you should pull your head out of your ass the sand.  Between the two joke parties in this country completely running it into the ground, the average entrepreneur or American worker that built this amazing nation is doomed.  The only way to regain our position in the world is to send a message to Washington that neither party represents the belief of the populous.  The problem with that is, the paradigm has shifted and instead of the populous being the producers, it has now become the consumers.  We're doomed and it's only a matter of time....that time being less than 100 years.  

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