Friday, April 11, 2014

It's not all gloom and doom...

So often on this Blog, I'm cynical about humanity, religion, politics, celebrity, etc.  Actually, I'm cynical about pretty much everything.  That's part of the humor and the schtick.  I can never seem to laugh about happy things.  Happy things aren't funny, at least not to me.  I think that's weird, because to be honest, I've never really thought about why I write so negatively.  I think it's because to me, negative sarcasm is funny.  Maybe it's just my twisted sense of humor, or my dedication to being a "realist".  My humor focuses so much on the darker side of life that I tend to keep the other side locked away from this persona. I do love life, however, and try to experience all this amazing and beautiful world has to offer.  All that said, here are some of the stories that have revived my confidence in humanity.  I hope you like these half as much as I did.  

One of the coolest Disney employees ever

If I'm ever in this position, I hope I can be half the father this man is to his son.  

Football players that didn't want a special needs student eating alone.

And last but certainly not least, Derek Redmond at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.  Every time I see this video, I can't help but think how supportive my parents have been throughout my life.  If you have ever competed at a high level, or dedicated yourself to something that took massive amounts of hard work and dedication, you know what it must feel like to see your lifelong dream shatter in an be left alone on the track with no one to help when it hurts to move.  This story almost can't be watched without tears.

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