Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Charlotte McKinney >>>>>>>> Kate Upton


Charlotte McKinney is what America tried to make Kate Upton.  Kate Upton is 22.  This is what 22 looks like...or should look like.  These pictures make me looking at Kate Upton feel more like I was teleported to the year 2024 and Kate is a mom of three.  I've never understood the hype around Upton.  She's average AT BEST.  And to all you morons out there that are saying, "Yeah, I'm sure.  If Kate Upton came up to you, you'd have a heart attack."  First of all, no.  Secondly, no.  Kate Upton isn't fat, but she isn't in shape skinny either.  She's what guys really loathe...skinny fat.  Actually, she's more chubby fat...like play-do.  Guys, if you want a cureless square, minus the ginormous breasts of course, resting on two toothpicks, then she's your girl.  I find it insulting really.  It's like society views men so barbaric that we don't care what the chick looks like as long as she has HUGE nat'l geographic breasts and blonde hair.  Ummmm, no.  I like a normal BMI.  I like someone that could go running, and I don't mean to Cold Stone.  I mean actually run.  I'm so sick of this media love fest.  It's annoying and men across the country should be pissed.  When Sports Illustrated has Charlotte McKinney to choose from and they choose this chick, they think you're stupid.  Apparently, they're right.  Morons.  If you want to know who Kate Upton is, go to Hardees.  She'll be the one eating a thickburger.  If you want to know who Charlotte McKinney is, get in line.

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