Tuesday, May 6, 2014


It's such a juxtaposition, but as infatuated as I am with supermodels, I don't get most of them.  In fact, to steal from our beloved champion of independence and free thinking President, Barack Obama, "let me be clear", I'm more infatuated with the idea of models than I am with the models themselves.  For instance, I don't find Gisele hot AT ALL.  In fact, I find her UNATTRACTIVE.  Wabt to know why....because I don't like dudes and to be honest, the jury is still out whether she used to be one.  Granted, she's a supermodel, has made more money in the industry than almost anyone, and was the face of Victoria's Secret for years.  All that is bologna if you ask me.  Kate Upton is obviously another one.  I simply don't get it.  There are girls infinitely hotter on every SEC campus every day.  I don't get that Emily Ratjkjdklehflkeshflkowski either.  She was blessed with a God-given bosom, but other than that, and her exhibitionist/love to expose myself mentality, which just FYI is awesome, is just ehhh.  Just ok.  The point is this...Tom Brady looks infinitely more feminine than his wife in almost every picture, especially this one. When I hear a guy talking about how hot Gisele Bundchen is, I immediately think they might be playing for the other team because there's nothing about that woman that screams woman.  Big hands, big feet, adam's apple, strong jaw, etc etc.  Why is she stacking money up like Scrooge McDuck?  Why does she live in a house with MOAT.  An f'ing moat....really?  Why is the world so cruel?  I'll never understand.

Tom...come on bro.  Enough is enough.  This is GD embarrassing.  You look like the love-child of Raggedy Andy and Freddy Mercury.  

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