I know that the media sensationalizes politics to appeal to their respective audiences, but I don't. On super Tuesday I was among the first to congratulate Obama on his victory. I thought that unlike our prior President, it was time for America to come together as a unit, seek a common goal, and ameliorate our polarizing and fervid shibboleths related to party politics. This blind faith and hope I had in Barack Obama disappeared quickly. I don't care that he went to Columbia or Harvard. I don't care that he's African American. I don't care that he has a Muslim name. I don't care that he's a gifted politician. None of that matters. I believe in free trade. I believe in the prinicples of capitalism and think it's responsible for this nation being envied by others across the globe. I believe that Government's role should be absent in the private sector and in your private life. I believe in social equality. I believe in Thomas Jefferson's belief that ALL men are created equal in the eyes of God. That said though, all men are not created equal in our world. Capitalism will, more than anything else, separate the achievers from the leeches, the despots from the proletariat, the hustlers from the sloths. What Barack Obama and his Congress have done will take years, if ever, to recover from. His administration has been dedicated to expanding Government faster and larger than any point in history. It's a Presidency that inherited a weakening economy, but used that to parlay their socialistic government expansion program that has devastated the economy and crippled the American taxpayer. Obama's expanding tax burden has taken several forms: Cap and Trade (completely gratuitous poorly camouflaged tax), Automotive Bailouts while creating government dependence and ignoring bond holders, Financial Bailouts, and last but certainly not least, the wolf in sheep's clothing, the Stimulus Package. As Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board uses their collective Ivy league rhetorics to prepare the American people for another trillion dollar stimulus, we're treading water with 1000lbs weights strapped to our back. America cannot withstand another financial bailout without being suffocated to the point where recovery is a five generation burden in a best case scenario. Couple that with the possibility of a filibuster proof Congress dedicated to furthering the dependency on Government by passing a Health Care Reform bill and the country as we know it has succomb completely to big government. 18-30 year olds of all races and economic backgrounds elected President Obama. Unfortunately, it's that demographic that hasn't taken the time to understand fiscal policy and take a stand on anything other than what the media says should matter but doesn't i.e. environment, anything except for G. W. Bush. The facts are simple, President Obama is gifted, but not experienced. He's charismatic, but wildly liberal, polarizing, and socialistic. If you believe that you earn what you make, Obama is not an ideology that resembles you. If you want Government to play Robin Hood as they rob money from people that work hard and make something of themselves by sacrificing family time, vacation, money for college and post graduate work, and give it to people uninterested in working, paying taxes, and achieving, then this is your guy. Until young Americans learn to formulate their own opinions and stop relying on biased media outlets from both side to choose for them, we're going to be stuck with leaders that don't represent anything we thought we were voting for.
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