An alleged illegal strip club inside a Lawrenceville Georgia home attracted up to 200people, including teenagers in the middle of the night, a neighbor said.
Gwinnett County Police said the homeowner, Constance Trahan, was operating a strip club in the basement and garage of her home in the 1400 block of Purcell Road.
Police said they found a sign that read “1 Dollar Jello Shots,” along with minors consuming alcohol on July 18.
“There were about 200 people there,” Ferguson said Tuesday. “It took an hour and half to clear the house.”
“It was a regular gathering,” said Christyan Hall, who lives with Trahan. “It’s just a misunderstanding.”
Of course it was a regular gathering, Trahan. When you offer underage teenage boys alcohol and nipples every Friday and Saturday night, a pattern starts to form. There's nothing to misunderstand regarding stripper poles, 18-20 year old guys, bare breasts, and one dollar jell-o shots. Show me a dude that's 18-20 with access to basement strip show with free alcohol, and I'll show you an 18-20 year old guy sitting front row and stuffing dollar bills into g-strings. I have one qualm about this whole fiasco though. I had to take a double take when I first looked at Constance. She is quite the androgenous female strip club owner. Can you imagine how busted the strippers were that would dance in Constance's house? I guess when you're underage, beggars can't be choosers.
Thanks Brad
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