LONG BEACH, Calif. -- Move over, it's Saturday night at Club Bounce and people are bouncing onto the dance floor in a big, big way.
These are big, big people, all dressed to the nines and many tipping the scales at 250, maybe 300 pounds.
That's because this expansive nightclub a couple blocks from the Pacific Ocean, with its flashing lights, friendly atmosphere and wall-rattling hip-hop sounds, caters specifically to fat people.
That's right, fat people. Not just any fat people, either, but fat people who are proud to call themselves fat people. People who joke that they are part of the new Fat is Phat movement.
"Self-conscious? No! Not at all," laughs Monique Lopez, a curvaceous woman of 23 as she arrives in a tight, black dress and heels. "I was like, 'I'm going to Club Bounce tonight. I'm going to wear my shortest skirt.'" (Which she did.)
Being proud to call yourself fat is like bragging about attempting suicide. Show me someone that's happy being morbidly obese and I'll show you someone that's given up. There's a reason fad diets, BowFlex's and countless ab machines sell like wildfire every night while you're up eating your ice cream and self loathing. I know the concept is novel, but when you're burning more than you're consuming, you're losing weight. It's truly that easy. The answer is, mixing in a run, not opening a fat only dance club.
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