WASHINGTON (CNN) – For the first time since he took over in the White House, Americans don't see eye to eye with President Barack Obama on the important issues, according to a new national poll. But the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey does indicate that a majority approve of how Obama's handling his duties as president.
According to the poll, which was released Tuesday, 48 percent of people questioned say that they agree with Obama on the issues that matter most to them, with 51 percent saying no. That's a switch from April, when 57 percent said they agreed with the president on important issues, with 41 percent disagreeing.
"Obama is facing crunch time on a number of controversial issues, from health care to financial regulation to cap and trade to Afghanistan," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "The fact that most Americans no longer agree with him on important issues makes his task harder."
Could there be hope that America has started to see through the celebrity smokescreen? If a CNN poll is reporting this, one has to assume that it's probably even more drastic. America doesn't want larger government control. America doesn't want their health care rationed by the Federal Government. People doesn't want their taxes increased to fund failing government programs like Medicare, Health Reform and Social Security. If you're one of the people that doesn't see the ineptitude in government run programs and organizations, get a cancerous tumor in a government health care facility and you'll find out real quick. The truth is, America is tired of party politics. We were all sick of George Bush and his administration, but just when we thought it couldn't get worse, Obama was elected. Since then, he's completely buried this country in debt from excessive, frivolous and ineffeicient spending to fund an expanding Federal Government and a far left Socialist ideology. After an energy bill that penalizes corporations through higher taxes hidden in pointless environmental penalties, his focus has been on a government controlled Health Care Reform Bill that burdens the American taxpayer into apathy and mediocrity. These are not the principles America was founded on, nor are they the prinicples of the working people of today's America. If you decide that receiving handouts from a government that passes legislation to keep you dependent and poor is easier than working, you deserve what you get. Your government is essentially buying your vote by offering you an insulting stipend that keeps you perpetually dependent, helpless, and brainwashed into being loyal to a party that does nothing but prey on your thirst for more empty promises and your government induced poverty. How could a party that promises to take care of the "misfortunate" actually benefit from bringing you out of poverty? That's rhetorical because they wouldn't; therefore, keeping you dependent and hungry for handouts epitomizes the foundation for the Democratic party's agenda and power seeking ideology. If you're not pissed off at the party that hates and discredits you, you've obviously given up on life. I've always heard you can take the top 75% of wealthy Americans and give it to the bottom 25% and in a matter of time, the numbers would be right back where they started. I can believe it.
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