President Barack Obama told his security chiefs on Tuesday that the botched Christmas Day plane bombing was the result of a screw up by U.S. intelligence and that the country had barely dodged disaster, according to a quotation released by the White House.
"This was a screw up that could have been disastrous," the president said during a meeting in the White House situation room, according to the White House media office. "We dodged a bullet but just barely. It was averted by brave individuals not because the system worked and that is not acceptable. While there will be a tendency for finger pointing, I will not tolerate it."
No, Mr. President, the only "screw up" was putting our confidence in you to protect this great nation. I know you won't Hussein, but please acknowledge the real issue here. This is not about political strategy. This isn't a civil liberties issue. This isn't racism nor is it religious persecution. It's quite simple. It's called saving lives. It's about saving innocent, hard-working, law abiding, human lives of every country and faith. Muslim extremists are at war against the United States. It's time to start using a brain. It's time to stop sending my 80 year old grandmother through full body searches. It's time to stop searching a 5 year old girl's pajamas and her Dora the Explorer bookbag. A full body scan showing a family of four and their genitals isn't the answer. I know this sucks for honest people people of Islamic faith, but if the last 30 terrorists were Swedish with pale, pasty-white skin and blond hair, I would be more than happy to stand in a special line and be searched. In fact, I think it should be your moral and religious obligation, because unless you either have something to hide, or condone these abhorrent acts of cowardice and murder, separating these monsters from your faith is the only answer. Something has to change. We have to put our insensitivities aside and demand logical and competent safety measures. Mr President, if you had instituted racial profiling, the incident on Christmas day would've never happened. Instead, we get full body scanners, more radiation exposure, more stupid, thoughtless government TSA workers, yet ironically, less safety. Great Job Mr President. I can't wait to see what you do with health care. That should be a doozie.
"This was a screw up that could have been disastrous," the president said during a meeting in the White House situation room, according to the White House media office. "We dodged a bullet but just barely. It was averted by brave individuals not because the system worked and that is not acceptable. While there will be a tendency for finger pointing, I will not tolerate it."
No, Mr. President, the only "screw up" was putting our confidence in you to protect this great nation. I know you won't Hussein, but please acknowledge the real issue here. This is not about political strategy. This isn't a civil liberties issue. This isn't racism nor is it religious persecution. It's quite simple. It's called saving lives. It's about saving innocent, hard-working, law abiding, human lives of every country and faith. Muslim extremists are at war against the United States. It's time to start using a brain. It's time to stop sending my 80 year old grandmother through full body searches. It's time to stop searching a 5 year old girl's pajamas and her Dora the Explorer bookbag. A full body scan showing a family of four and their genitals isn't the answer. I know this sucks for honest people people of Islamic faith, but if the last 30 terrorists were Swedish with pale, pasty-white skin and blond hair, I would be more than happy to stand in a special line and be searched. In fact, I think it should be your moral and religious obligation, because unless you either have something to hide, or condone these abhorrent acts of cowardice and murder, separating these monsters from your faith is the only answer. Something has to change. We have to put our insensitivities aside and demand logical and competent safety measures. Mr President, if you had instituted racial profiling, the incident on Christmas day would've never happened. Instead, we get full body scanners, more radiation exposure, more stupid, thoughtless government TSA workers, yet ironically, less safety. Great Job Mr President. I can't wait to see what you do with health care. That should be a doozie.
P.S. Mr President, when you open your explanation about the incident on Dec 25 by saying it was the result of a screw up by US Intelligence...I'm not saying, I'm just saying...that's a perfect example of finger pointing, which I thought you weren't going to tolerate. You must have strayed from the teleprompter. Remember...stay on task. Just reed wut thay rite.
I beleive in stereotyping. Its faster. And, lets admit it... fun and pretty much based on truth. Hey, everyone is a little bit racist (although I agree with you that this is not a race issue) doesn't mean we all go around commiting hate crimes... unfortunately, those trying to light their underpants on fire are!
After all, there is a reason my super swanky sister has to explain to EVERYONE that her oversized German Shepard is friendly... and people run (literally) in fear when they see him! They have a bad reputation... for good reason. They are not exactly a Golden Retreiver for goodness sakes.
Born in the Gaza strip, Yemen, Karachi... I am suspect of you on my flights. I will make sure to keep my eye on you. Sorry. True.
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