Glenn Beck, who is nothing more than a political conspiracy theorist/satirist and recovering booze hound, made some incendiary comments on his radio show yesterday regarding Senator elect, Scott Brown. For me, it's people like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity that make me absolutely loathe the Republican party. Fox has built the foundation for their programming on obvious right leaning commentators. Are the majority of main stream media members leftist bed wetters? Yes. Does America identify with Foxnews? Well, I guess, according to the ratings. For people like me, and statistically, the majority of this country, that consider themselves moderates and or third party/independents, it's people like this, programs like these, and comments like this, that make people on the right no different than the antics we cry about from the left and leave us essentially zero representation in Washington. I just don't understand the hype with Glenn Beck. I've tried to watch his show, but the gloom and doom left me loading a gun with feelings of eminent collapse and destruction. Granted, America isn't heading in the right direction, but people like Beck preach about the importance of this Brown election, yet when he wins a huge upset in a historically liberal state, he like a moth to the flame, must find something else to criticize, depress, and hyperbolize. Beck goes from supporter to opposer in < 24 hours. Luckily for Beck, positivity doesn't sell TV. Without further adieu, yesterday Glenn Beck was commenting on the awkward, head-scratching comments said by Sen Brown as he announced his daughters as, "Available."
“I want a chastity belt on this man,” he said, while his producer tried to justify Brown’s comments. “I want his every move watched in Washington. I don’t trust this guy…This one could end with a dead intern. I’m just saying, it could end with a dead intern.”
Look, any reasonable person can agree these comments were stewpid, but to say that an awkward comment spoken during a time of sheer elation and excitement about his adult daughters being single and available, is hardly indicative of him being a murderer or untrustworthy. Well, we know he's not trustworthy, he's in Washington. I get so tired of hyperbole. I'm more tired of Glenn Beck. If you tune into this clown, thanks for the voluntary litmus test, but it wasn't necessary. I already knew I was smarter than you.
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