In the worst rating plunge in the history of the Oval Office, President Obama took to television in an attempt to reach out to middle American voters and soccer moms. I've been an austere opponent of The View for years. In fact, I think the demographic for The View is probably the lowest cumulative IQ on daytime television. That's pretty bad considering daytime soaps, a myriad of courtroom shows and Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader. Mr President, nothing at this point will succeed in helping you get re-elected. NOTHING. You don't have a snowballs chance in hell. Regardless though, don't you think there are more pressing things to do in this time of economic peril and joblessness? Don't you think troop morale would benefit from an unexpected visit from you? Instead, you book a spot on The View. Joy Behar. Whoopi Goldberg. The token dumb Republican. Some unfamous black chick. Babs Wah Wah. Come on Mr President. That's embarrassing. You were hired to do a job, not spend your time getting re-elected. I'm beginning to think you're in way over your head. You're starting to reflect your inexperience. Running the most powerful country in the world is a little different than being a community organizer in Chicago. I swear to God, if the best this country can do is Sarah Palin and Barack Obama, we might as well throw our hands up. There's nothing worth fighting for anymore. Seriously.
Riiiiiiight, because all Obama used to be was a community organizer...and and and I bet you are smarter and more accomplished than him to, right? And since you are that smart, I'm sure you are aware of how limited the scope of power is for the executive branch? Okay, if you are aware, then you understand that all three branches of govt. working in concert will have either the most negative (in the case of Bush, Hoover) impact or the most positive (in the case of Clinton, Roosevelt). The constipation of either exec or leg branch and/or conflicting rulings from the judicial branch will cause a HALT in governing that will be felt by the masses. The dickhead republicans can count on less than informed citizens to completely blame the president for congress' failure to pass another stimulus that top economists across the political spectrum agree we need. Economics 101 buddy-in a recession, you liquidate/stimulate/raise taxes. That formula DOES NOT change. We have an intelligent commander-in-chief surrounded by leading economists who know this...an opposing party who'd rather see us all die than to allow that to happen...and a populace woefully undereducated, getting drunk, having sex, and easily led to their OWN slaughter. Thank God I have a fairly wealthy family and I'll be safe if and when the losers of our society put Romney's daft ass into the oval office. Compare stats going back to the 1940's of republican vs. democratic run societies. Unemployment, foreclosures, repossessions, and a rise in crime ALWAYS follow a republican presidency...but damn the cold hard facts, those republican m-er effers will always get a portion of the white populace to vote for their own economic tragedy and theres nothing you can say or show evidence of that will dissuade them. How do I know? My parents are republican and were still singing Bush's praises when they had to do a short sale on their home in 2009. But I know, I know dammit! Obama didn't get in there & clean up the catastrophe fast enough! Anyone can fix damn near a decade of disaster in under four years! Wow, ungrateful Americans deserve every pink slip and eviction notice they get...they do it to themselves. Good luck;-)
how's this obama love fest going now, dipshit?
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