Say what you want, which can't be anything but DAMN!, Heidi Klum makes me sin. Just when I'm ready to start my search for the hottest woman on Earth, or more specifically, search for my new girl within the pages of Victoria's Secret to replace her, she shows up looking hotter than Helen of Troy. Seriously, it doesn't get better than this. Her dress is almost as flawless as her legs. She is basically the only thing that made that piece-of-trash worth watching. The Emmy's are awful. They're simply nothing more than a platform for narcissists to further exploit themselves. Just when talentless filthy rich morons with a voice don't alienate themselves enough, they walk a red carpet and boast about wearing millions of dollars in jewelry while telling everyone how "hard they worked" for that stupid trophy. Had it not been for Heidi Klum's trip to the Emmy's, it would have been more fun to watch Napalm dropped on an orphanage than tune into that garbage for five hours.
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