Thursday, April 24, 2014

War is hell...

Bud Peterson is a bad ass.  Make no mistake.  Being in a dog fight would be insanely intense and scary as hell, but this guy makes it sound like a walk in the park.  I love it when people start ranting about how war never solves anything.  It truly reveals how stupid and indoctrinated people can become.  Here's a newsflash to all the idiots:  War sucks.  No one wants to go to war.  However, war is necessary.  It was necessary in 1945 just like it was in 2001.  Thank God we have heroes like Mr Peterson.  Thank God we have heroes like Lt. Michael Murphy.  When an enemy is circling the skies targeting paratroopers falling defenseless toward the earth, we need those heroes.  When religious zealots orchestrate a complicated plan to attack innocent men women and children just going about their days on that gorgeous Tuesday in September, we need those heroes.  I remember being a child and thinking about the leaders of our country.  I pictured them strong, precise, and wise.  I have never seen that from our President.  I do see him bow a lot to foreign leaders and custom or not, I don't want a bower.  I want a leader.  If that leadership manifests itself as speaking softly, fine, if it's manifested in carrying a big stick and ruling with fear, then so be it.  America needs more people like Bud Peterson and less people like our pitiful out-of-touch Congress and Executive.  It's embarrassing, his mom jeans and backward bike helmet...our esteemed Speaker crying about something he couldn't care less about in an attempt to pander to more idiots.  We need an overhaul, yet instead, we'll just line up and vote like sheep as we always do and it will be a battle of the undecided picking between two completely inept parties and only slightly less inept candidates.  Then for four or six more years, we'll be driven further into debt, stripped of our few remaining freedoms, and with haste and acceleration, spun into a mirror image of a failing Socialists Europe.  I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait.  

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