British swimming pools have begun hosting special Muslim swim sessions during which swimmers — including non-Muslims — are banned from entering the pool if their swimming attire doesn't comply with dress code required by Islamic custom.
Under the rules, men must be covered from the naval to the knees, while women, who swim separately, must be covered from the neck to the ankles, according to the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph newspaper.
The special sessions in Britain have elicited anger from critics who say they are divisive and put a strain on relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, the Telegraph reported.
Puh-lease! If your religion doesn't allow for swimming without completely covering yourself, then open a private pool. This is hardly my problem. If you're a vegetarian, don't eat at McDonald's. Europe has become a breeding ground for expanding Islam. By 2020, Muslims across Europe will double and its laws like this that are getting them closer to America. If this religion were proven ever-peaceful, then this wouldn't piss me off like it does. When bus bombs start going off in London and Paris, when suicide bombers explode cafes in Ibiza and Amsterdam, don't say we didn't warn you. Telling non-Muslims that they can't swim unless they cover themselves is absurd. If you want a pool where everyone has to be covered, build it and make it private; otherwise, Eff You. I would rather have late stage Ebola virus than move to Europe if laws like this are the norm.
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