WASHINGTON -- Congress plans to spend $550 million to buy eight jets, a substantial upgrade to the fleet used by federal officials at a time when lawmakers have criticized the use of corporate jets by companies receiving taxpayer funds.
The purchases will help accommodate growing travel demand by congressional officials. The planes augment a fleet of about two dozen passenger jets maintained by the Air Force for lawmakers, administration officials and military chiefs to fly on government trips in the U.S. and abroad.
The congressional shopping list goes beyond what the Air Force had initially requested as part of its annual appropriations. The Pentagon sought to buy one Gulfstream V and one business-class equivalent of a Boeing 737 to replace aging planes. The Defense Department also asked to buy two additional 737s that were being leased.
Lawmakers in the House last week added funds to buy those planes, and plus funds to buy an additional two 737s and two Gulfstream V planes. The purchases must still be approved by the Senate. The Air Force version of the Gulfstream V each costs $66 million, according to the Department of Defense, and the 737s cost about $70 million.
So let me get this straight. Earlier this year, Congress busted the balls of the heads of automakers for arriving in private jets to the bail out hearings; however, despite a hemorrhaging economy and a burdened American taxpayer created by erratic and irresponsible spending on Capitol Hill, they can drop over 500 million on private luxury jets. I can't believe the nerve of these assholes. It's incredible. Every American in the workforce fears for their jobs more than any time in our nation's history. In a time where keeping your job is the new raise, our Congress votes themselves a raise. Every lawmaker already makes on average, 169,300 with leadership positions pushing into the 200's. This should be infuriating. I just don't understand how one can sit idle as their elected officials rape their constituents. They want to reform health care, but refuse to accept the health care themselves. They bar the automaker CEO's from arriving in Whashington via private planes, yet spend over 500 million of OUR money on their luxurious jets. Congress is spending more money than they ever have despite the sinking economy leaving our country's tax revenues at the lowest point in nearly 30 years. Please educate yourselves on your Congressional seats. Please educate yourselves on the platforms that are bankrupting our Government and ruining our health care system which represents 16% of our nations economy. 2010 will be our last chance to block this rapid Government expansion and socislistic slide.
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