JANESVILLE — A man whose blood alcohol level was more than five times the legal definition of intoxication apparently tried to make a getaway attempt in a squad car Aug. 7, according to a report from the Rock County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputies responded at 11:22 p.m. to an anonymous complaint and found 30 to 40 cars parked outside, the report says. Several vehicles were leaving the scene when deputies arrived. The house was dark and no one would come out, the report says.
As a deputy peered inside, a 20-year-old Janesville man walked out of a cornfield, the report says. The man admitted he’d been drinking, and deputies put him in the back seat of a squad car.
A few minutes later, Deputy Matthew Jacobson heard the squad car’s alarm going off and saw the 20-year-old man in the driver’s seat. When asked where he was going, the man said he wanted to go back with his friends. He was cited for obstructing a police officer, handcuffed and put in the back seat.
The man submitted to a breath test and blew a 0.41, more than five times the level considered intoxicated, the report says. Jacobson thought the result might be a mistake, so he had the man take another test with a different breath-testing machine, resulting in a 0.38 reading.
When contacted Friday, the man said he wasn’t sure how much he drank that night but estimated “a couple of cups” of beer. He said he thinks the breath tests were inaccurate. He denied making an escape attempt but admitted he didn’t remember everything that happened that night.
Dude...wow. Seriously, a .41? Then a .38 after you try to steal the cop car? Yeah you had a couple of cups of beer alright, right before you did a 60 second keg stand, right before you ate the entire watermelon injected with Golden Grain, right before you had 7 shots of Absinthe, right before you ate the worm at the bottom of the Mezcal bottle. This is your classic high school drunk little shit. I would bet $100.00 this kid lives with his mom and run all over her. His dad doesn't get much time with him because they're divorced and he works all the time and lives in another state, so when they're together, he just tries to buy his love. This kid could cry for hours on a leather couch about how he's never been good enough for his father, but instead, he just drinks his ass off. My favorite part of the story is that he denied attempting to escape in the squad car, but can't remember anything that happened that night. If this were my kid, the only way he would be bailed out of jail would be by the bus en route to military school.
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