The alleged Ft Hood shooter is apparently awake and talking, as reported by Fox News this morning. My only question is why? We're actually paying to keep this terrorist alive? Can we please call this what it was. I know the Obama administration refuses to accept that this man was a terrorist, but when you scream, "Allah Akbar," and then open fire on innocent soldiers of a United States Army base, that's terroism. When a recent Islamic converter is reaching out to Al Quaeda through email and websites, he's a terrorist. When a man says to friends that he's an Islamic Extremist, he's a terrorist. When they're investigating reports that he said all non muslims should be beheaded, you're a nut job terrorist. Other than leasing a billboard on Ft Hood with his picture and an arrow pointing to him that says, "Hey morons, I'm a terrorist. I live to serve Allah and wish to rid the world of infidels," what more evidence could one need to say this is what it is. An act of Islamic terrorism on a US Army base. This isn't necessarily Obama's fault, but this world is far less safe with Obama sitting in the Oval Office. I feel as though he doesn't have the backbone to stand up against other nations and their rush to call America nothing but bullies. It's funny to me that when other nations find themselves in trouble they can't seem to handle, no one sees us as bullies on the playground then. I'm tired of people making excuses for Islamic extremists. I try my best to be tolerant of others, but when a red yellow and black snake slithers by, it's either a coral snake (venomous) or a king snake(non-venomous), but I'm not getting a closer look to find out which.
1 comment:
I find it painfully ironic, when the C&C and Co. lack the courage to call things as they are. This guy is a terrorist. He professed it himself. Where is the grey area in this one? I will never know.
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