Christmas morning came early, as it does every year about this time, as the Angels exposed all of Victoria's Secrets. If the cure for all the world's diseases relied on me never watching this lingerie expose again, you better re-up your life insurance cause the cancer is knockin on your door. This hasn't aired on TV yet, but when it does, I'm gonna lock all the doors, saturate the walls, floors and carpet with water and cover the walls with lubricant because simply based on the amount of friction, that's about the only way I won't burn my house down. If spending one night as King Solomon and having these girls in my harem were possible, I would trade a lifetime of scabies, HPV, and talking like Simple Jack from Tropic Thunder. If you're one of those religious freaks that sends your kid to church to "cure his gayness" because you're suspicious he might be, I have an idea. Print out these pics, show them them to him, and if he doesn't pitch a tent within 3 seconds, he likes penis.
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