I've tried to steer clear of insipid political posts lately, but this can't be ignored. This week the Government took its first steps in the slippery slope of Health Care Rationing. Despite breast cancer being down over 30% and early detection contributing to the decline in the mortality rate every year since 1990, a group of bureaucrats got together this week and decided to ignore what's working and jeopardize women's health all over the world.
A government task force said Monday that most women don't need mammograms in their 40s and should get one every two years starting at 50 — a stunning reversal and a break with the American Cancer Society's long-standing position. What's more, the panel said breast self-exams do no good, and women shouldn't be taught to do them.
For a minute, think of this. Picture 8 women in your life. 1 of them WILL be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. For every 4 cancer diagnoses in women, it's responsible for 1 of them. How many people do you know that have battled this dreadful disease? How many of those people detected the lump in their breast themselves? Not only is this advice wildly irresponsible, but it's rationing health care in an attempt to decrease costs. Bureaucrats didn't stop there, however, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists or ACOG now say women younger than 30 should undergo cervical cancer screening once every two years instead of an annual exam. And those age 30 and older can be screened once every three years. If this isn't foreshadowing Obamacare well enough for you, you should either set your alarm because you're alseep, or just come to grips with the fact that you're the one of the dumbest people in America. The facts are, Obamacare will significantly decrease the number of providers, while conversely exponentially increasing the number of patients, many of whom don't have citizenship or pay taxes. Explain that system to me. You don't need a PhD in economics to see that's a failed system. If you decrease providers while increasing patients, there's only one way to reduce the overall costs associated with health care. Reduce (RATION) YOUR CARE. Right now, as I type this, Congress is in a hurried debate surrounding this Health Care Reform Bill so they can recess and have the week off. These people aren't serving our best interest. They don't care about improving our health care. They will not be forced to participate in this health care system if and when it passes. Despite what Jesse Jackson says to convince you otherwise, you can still be black and be against a Government run health care. We're pawns in a political power struggle, except instead of getting a candidate we despise for four or eight years, we get a health care system that kills us faster.
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