This hideous shoe, the 23rd anniversary of Michael Jordan's, Air Jordans, are being presold in very limited quantities for 230.00. The shoes, because of the limited number being sold, are prompting people..I mean retards to sleep on the sidewalks for days in order to get a pair in hopes they can either turn a significant profit on Ebay, or have some of the tightest kicks in their school. So, let me see if I'm getting this straight: People are sleeping on the sidewalk for days in hopes of maybe, just maybe being lucky enough to hand over 230.00 dollars for a pair of kicks that look like something out of Back to the Future II? So, to be completely clear on this, it's ok to miss your morgage. It's ok to use WIC cards in front of me at the grocery store. It's ok to file for multiple extentions on your unemployment. It's ok to draw your only paycheck from the handcuffed generosity and expense of the taxpayers of this great nation. All of that's ok because you're saving your money for the new Air Jordans? There are so many problems with America folks. The compounding enigma has reached its boiling point. A democracy will only exist until the populace realizes they can vote themselves the treasury. Wake up people because we are in that transition as I speak. The demise is inevitable. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Nearly two-dozen teens and 20-somethings plan to wait outside Walter’s downtown clothing store until next Tuesday, when they have a shot at getting a limited edition Air Jordan sneaker.
They started waiting Tuesday for pairs of $230 Nike Air Jordan shoes, now in their 23rd year of sales, to be released Dec. 23, named for Michael Jordan, the Chicago Bull’s famous No. 23.
“It’s crazy what we do for shoes,” said 17-year-old Miguel Perez of Marietta, the first in line. “We’re sneaker heads.”
“You could sell them on eBay for $2,000 or $3,000,” said No. 2, Perez’s friend Christian Aragon, 17.
Walter’s already has received 23 pairs of the limited edition shoe, and says it won’t get any more. A Walter’s salesman said they wouldn’t show them for a photo yet, but an accurate image is available at 23isback.com.
Walter’s salesman DeAngelo Martin expected the shoes to start a line outside the store on Decatur Street, but they didn’t think it would start this early. No sizes are guaranteed, so even those waiting now might not walk away with a new pair of Jordans that fits.
Shoe lovers squatted in lawn chairs and huddled under the store’s glowing red awning on Tuesday night. Some in the line said they won’t be waiting the whole time — they’ve been paid as a place holder by some well-heeled shoe enthusiast, and will be relieved when their “shift” is over.
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