Seeing this rare amphibious species in the wild is a true anomoly. It's like seeing a Liger, the Sasquatch, the Lochness Monster, or the giant squid. I attribute its sighting to three things. One, I'm an insanely talented photographer. Two, to being both notorious and very lucky. And three, as you can see, this seadonkey-like species has evolved indepently of common primates, yet walks upright, is pentadactyl, and even eats and drinks without the heard. Although mating habits are unknown, it appears human in basic morphology, but neneath the surface this is an animal completely unpredictable and very dangerous as it uses its massive, gargantuan size to ram, bully, most assuredly kill other members of the herd much like a Hippo. This rare and dangerous creature is a true evolutionary enigma to scientists everywhere. I am a lover of all of God's creatures, but this is like trying to identify a three toed sloth, the monkfish, Almiqui, Ayer-ayer, The Philippine Tarsier, and last but certainly not least, the The Star-Nosed Mole all mixed together...it's almost humanly impossible. Binomial Nomenclature can only take you so far. Thanks for nothing Carlos Linnaeus. My vote for the most hideous nightmare inducing creature of 2009...the seadonkey...by a country mile.
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