It seems Megan Fox is a rare autosomal dominant genetic anomally...and no, it's not her breasts. Despite everyone's complete and total obsession with this girl and her body, it's not that to which I refer. Instead, it's the Potter's Thumb, Murderer's Thumb, or in severe cases, Brachydactyly Type D. Although this doesn't mean anything in the scheme of human mortality or development, I just think it's fun to point out my amazing Oracle at Delphi-esque foresight and ability to point out the inadequacies of celebrities that spend their entire, empty, self-loathing lives being told how gorgeous and perfect they are. 1 in 1000, mostly girls, hasve a Murderer's thumb. The nickname started by laws in other cultures allowing sticks no bigger than the thumb to be used to beat their wives. Everyone was going great in the land of spousal stick-swinging, ass-whooping abuse until a man with this genetic abnormality picked a big ass stick up that matched his thumb thickness and he proceeded to beat her to death. The other thing is that they look really strange. Almost like E.T. If the end glowed, you could be an awesome movie finger puppet...no makeup.
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