If you've ever owned a dog, especially a stubborn, vivacious, loving, insanely hungry, protective, head strong, bark-when-your-boss-calls-when-you-should-be-at-work, ruin-your-furniture, chew-the-fake-ficus-tree-knock-it-over-and-urinate-on-it, eat-sago-palm-seeds-and-poison-your-liver-3,000 dollars in blood transfusions later, consume-a-complete-bag-of-energy-bars-while-we're-at-work, expert swimming, has-more-personality-than-its-owners, beautiful, perfect one, like I do, then you owe it yourself to watch this movie. For those of you that know me and know my dog, this sums up my my wife's and my life. Based on the epic, tearful, sadness that followed this movie, you might have to commit me when the time comes to make "that" decision.
Oh...da boy.... I've been there and you never forget it or the feeling.
glad I watched that movie in the privacy of my own home, very unbecoming for an almost 40 year old man to sob that openly in public
Hamlet too? I thought I was the only one! Aaahh, but the boy melts my big heart on a daily basis. I left the theater a complete mess... yup that was me... the one with the mascara infused tracks of alligator tears running down my face. Stylish I know.
Dakota does not share the same fondness for the movie... he places it up there with Old Yeller and All Dogs Go To Heaven as the worst movies ever made. Apparently it is not awesome to watch your own kind "cross over" if you are of the yellow lab variety.
Sigh. Speaking of dogs... I have not heard from you guys in at least one dog year... how are things going? Hope all is well, and kiss Hamlet for me. I like the neurotic life loving ones the best!
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