BISMARCK, N.D. — A North Dakota mother has pleaded not guilty to child neglect after prosecutors alleged she was drunk while breast-feeding her 6-week-old baby.
Prosecutor Carmell Mattison says alcohol was not the only factor in the felony charge against 27-year-old Stacey Anvarinia, who appeared in court Monday. She is free on bond.
Mattison says the mother "wasn't in a position to care for the child properly."
Anvarinia was arrested Feb. 13 after police answered a domestic disturbance call at her Grand Forks home. The prosecutor said officers witnessed Anvarinia breast-feeding the baby and asked her to stop because she was intoxicated.
Her attorney David Ogren says no blood test was taken and the charge could be difficult to prove.
Getting liquored up and breast feeding is in competition for worst thing ever done while trying to be a parent. Then again though, this child was born and forced to live in North Dakota. That alone should be grounds for getting your child taken from you. I know the six people from N Dakota are going to be pissed, but I seriously can't think of one redeeming quality of that state. I would rather live anywhere than there. Seriously, anywhere...even Jacksonville Florida. I digress, as usual. The point of this rambling attempt at a coherent thought was to point out that if you're gonna pull out your breast and let your future chronically unemployed, obese, government dependent, live-in till 40, offspring chug milk off your nipple like a baby calf, don't be hammered when you do. Cops hate that.
**I apologize if you find the above photo offensive, but I found it way too funny not to post it.
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