X 2
Salary per movie
Renee Zellweger 10 Million
Drew Barrymore 12 Million
Nicole Kidman 12 Million
Reese Witherspoon 5 Million
Sandra Bullock 15 Million
Katherine Heigl 18 Million
Cameron Diaz 20 Million
Sarah Jessica Parker 23 Million
Jennifer Aniston 23 Million
Angelina Jolie 27 Million
This is the FOXNEWS top ten female earners in Hollywood. Only four of these chicks look better than your homecoming queen. Moreover, this is no joke, there's only two I would bang willingly. TWO...and that's even taking their money into consideration. The rest, i would have to be slipped a ruffie and hog tied with an HIV needle stuck to my skin. This is exactly how I know Hollywood is complete BS. You don't have to be pretty. You don't have to be talented. You either have to have someone famous to which you're married, or you apparently have to look like a bag of ass. Four of these chicks couldn't get laid by the 3rd chair Tuba player in your high school band. No kidding. Sarah Jessica Parker...I'm actually not even sure she's human. She looks like a mixture of death and herpes. I'd rather have sex with a meat grinder. Katherine Heigl...Holy Toledo, sex with an Amazonian Army Ant bed would be more enjoyable than that chain smoking gravel-donkey. To say that I hate Hollywood and everything it represents would be as understated as saying I hate Islamic terrorists or I hate complex carbohydrates. Hey Hollywood, suck it.
Which two would you bang? I gotta know!
Reese and Jolie.
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