The Reno Gazette-Journal has a sit-down with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who addresses the Ted Kennedy question in a way only a power hungry democrat could.
Q: How will U.S. Sen. (Edward) Kennedy's death affect things?
A: I think it's going to help us. He hasn't been around for some time. We're going to have a new chairman of that committee, it'll be, I don't know for sure, but I think Sen. (Chris) Dodd, (D-Conn.). He has a right to take it. Either him or (U.S. Sen. Tom) Harkin, (D-Iowa), whichever one wants it can have it. I think he (Kennedy) will be a help. He's an inspiration for us. That was the issue of his life and he didn't get it done.
Did the Senate Majority Leader really say that Ted Kennedy's death would help them? These people have no concept of reality. They have no desire to do the will of the people. They have been listening to the mobs of angry Americans shout down this health care reform, but it doesn't matter. Obama's approval rating is 46%, and still falling, yet they continue to ignore the American public as they force their agenda through. This is simply a power play. It has nothing to do with helping anyone. It is the plan of the Obama administration to control energy (Cap and Trade), education (Teacher's Union), and Health Care. Once those positions are in play, the show is over folks. Wake the hell up and demand some backbone from your elected officials. If you're a conservative, you better ask them to reread their Republican oath. There hasn't been a true Republican since Reagan. If you don't agree with either party, call me, I'll welcome you with open arms to the only hope we have left(err RIGHT), the Libertarian Party. Between Reid, Pelosi, Boxer and Obama, this country is being turned into a septic tank that needs pumping.
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