U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe said at a town hall in Grove Wednesday,
“I never dreamed I would see an administration try to disavow all the things that have made this country different from all others,” Inhofe told more than 300 people at a town hall meeting in the Grove Community Center.
“I have never seen so many things happening at one time so disheartening to America. Every institution that has made this country the greatest nation in the world is under attack,” he said at the end of the 75-minute session.
This is not rocket science. For over 300 years, America has been the leader of the world. America has stood for, fought for, and defended freedoms both here and abroad. We have led humanitarian aid, been looked to for advancements in science and medicine, and lit the way for the world's economic, indsutrial, and technological charge. Since when have those things become something for which we should be ashamed? Why do we need to apologize for success from hard work? Why is it that we're criticized for being unlike Europe and not "vacationing" enough? Why should health care be a right of every citizen, but not a right every citizen should have to pay for? Why does an erratically and irresponsibly spending Government collect from only the people that sacrifice "their" family time for hard work and labor? Since when did our armed forces become evil maniacal torturers and not defenders of freedom, humanity and democracy? Since when did the White House decide how much a private company's Chief Executive Officer can make? Since when did Government learn how to run the automotive industry?
If you lived in any other time and were told all these things were happening, you wouldn't believe in a million years it was the United States of America. This is not what has made us great. Congressman Inhofe is right, these are the things that have separated us from the rest of the world and made us envied by all. These are the things that allowed us to prosper as a nation for centuries. One thing's for sure, President Obama, we need change alright. Just not your style. Not socialism. You can't muiltiply wealth by dividing it. We need a change that takes us back to the way we used to be...I sure as hell was a lot happier back then. How bout you?
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