Actors and actresses from Harrison Ford to Debra Winger have reportedly joined the growing throng of liberal celebrities calling for Polanski to be released following his arrest in Switzerland last week.
Studio kingpin Harvey Weinstein says he is leading the charge and "e-mailing everybody I know" to push for the swift release of his friend, whom he calls a "humanist" who has been the victim of a gross "miscarriage of justice" for more than three decades.
Scores of American film icons from Woody Allen to Martin Scorsese have signed a petition demanding "the immediate release of Roman Polanski," saying they were "dismayed" by his arrest.
Roman Polanski was 44 years old when he raped, YES RAPED, a 13 year old little girl. I don't care if this was consentual in nature. He was a person in power, a director, and someone that would be very impressionable on a child. He fed her quaaludes and champagne. He even had anal sex with this girl. She was 13 years old. People in Hollywood are calling him a humanist! Only in that God forsaken town could this happen. They gave this monster, this pedophile a standing ovation at the Oscars several years ago. What in the hell is wrong with these people? They're dismayed by his arrest? This coming from Woody Allen, a man that had a sexual relationship with and married his stepdaughter. I'll show you dismayed. If you drug, rape and sodomize my 13 year old daughter, I'm going to kill you. No border could protect you, Roman. You won't have to worry about Swiss extradition or movie making abroad. The only thing you'll have to worry about is judgement in front of your maker because you're days on this Earth would be numbered. Roman Polanski is a pedophile and a predator. I hope you burn. Hollywood is full of the sickest most out-of-touch individuals this world has to offer. My dream is to leave all these idiots competing in the job market. They aren't qualified to flip burgers.
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