More often than not, seemingly perfect gorgeous women fall in love with less than desireable men i.e. Klum/Seal, Marisa Miller/this, Locklear/Tommy Lee, Pam Anderson/Tommy Lee, Julia Roberts/Lyle Lovett, to name a few. Although when the stars align and the two most genetically gifted people on earth find one another, you're given a Hollywood couple that is so hot and envied that Jennifer Aniston spends her lonely nights cutting herself, drawing black circles on paparazzi photos of Angelina's teeth with MacPaint and purging. If I were in Cannes trying to take photos of the slit in Angelina's dress, I would probably explode into a testosterone fueled fireball. If you're a heterosexual male and you don't like Angelina, you're not a heterosexual male. If you're a female and you don't like Angelina because, well let's see, "she's slutty, weird, gross, she stole Brad from Jen, incestual, blah blah blah," you're jealous because either your boyfriend is gay or your boyfriend is in love with Angelina Jolie and you're nowhere in the vacinity of being as hot and timeless as she is. If you don't find Angelina Jolie attractive, please don't renew your subscription to exposedandnaked because you suck and I hate you.
I'M OFFENDED! angelina has blubber lips, looks way too bony, and looks like a ghost. and don't even get me started on the fact that she used to screw old men, is bi, and had a weird relationship with, of all people, HER BRO! yuck.
I'm with anonymous....she does absolutely nothing for me. Your standards are slacking my man.
Big Lips--->Check
Open Sexually-->Check
Two days passed, still searching for the downsides...
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