There's a big misconception regarding the last election. Most uninformed bigoted idiots consider race as the attributing factor to Barack Obama getting elected President. They couldn't be more wrong. This election as a whole, had less to do with race and race relations, and more to do with class warfare and wealth envy. America is at war. It is a war between people that refuse to create opportunity for themselves, and the people that refuse to accept failure and mediocrity. Party politics have created a climate in this country where one side of the isle is at a constant struggle to buy voters while the other side is dedicated to appeasing its most extreme idealogues. The result, a stalemate, if we're lucky. Our elected officials are polarizing this country so fast with their respective agendas, most young, free-thinking Americans aren't having their voices heard. The rising problem, despite what FOXNEWS reports, is the younger educated generation holds less and less emphasis on social policy, most notably, abortion and gay marriage. Sadly or not, the world, from that perspective at least, isn't what it used to be. The educated "cell phone generation" finds their conservatism in fiscal policy, yet ironically, that's the area where both parties, especially Republicans, have abandoned us. We're simply no longer represented. Young, uninformed people, both black and white, lined up in droves to cast their vote for Barack Obama. Why? Because they're depserate. Desperate for being represented. Sure, there were liberal morons that voted OBAMA because they heard Democrats are for a clean environment or because they were told by the media to hate Bush, but for the most part, young white America elected Obama because they're tired of being misrepresented in Washington. It wouldn't have mattered Obama's ideologies. He was young. He was articulate. He was poignant. Through the the smoking mirrors, he was like them. He wasn't rigid. He wasn't out-of-touch. He wasn't what they had seen for 8 years. He wasn't old as shit. John McCain is a hero. He is a true Patriot; but, John McCain was thrown to the wolves by a dated, failing, misguided party. If an educated young America doesn't demand reform in a party once rooted in fiscal responsibility and equality for all hard working Americans, we might as well hand over our Government now because the demise is inevitable.
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