No offense to any athletic trainers, but I've always struggled with the relevance of athletic trainers and failed to understand why you have to go to college to become one. I know you learn things like the Lachman's test among various other physical therapy type tests that can be performed, but can't be used to diagnose because you lack about 12 years in proper medical training. Usually the trainers spend the majority of their time becoming ankle taping and hamstring stretching ninjas, but are frequently abused by prima donna college athletes and coaches. Well all this was true until I saw this picture of the luckiest son-of-a-bitching trainer to ever live. It's one thing when you work taping the ankles or stretching the hammies for the University of Tulsa's women's softball team, which is full of sea donkeys, but it's an entirely different different ball game when you're the athletic trainer for the USC Song Girls. You couldn't have a better job if you were the Swedish Bikini Team's Spary Tan Applicator. Picture the scenario, you and your best friend from college, both athletic trainers, one of you working at University of North Dakota, the other USC.
Winner: Hey man what's up? What did you do today?
Loser: Taped some ankles for the Great West softball tournament. It's awesome. These girls are massive. They hit bombs! How bout you?
Winner: I wrapped the Song Girls' hamstrings today, then massaged their shin splints and lower back spasms after their whirlpool sessions.
Loser: [Long Pause] I've gotta go, Matilda and Bertha need their testosterone injections.
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