This is one of the paintings of Madonna that is circulating around the internet this week. Frankly, I've never seen a painting capture the essense of a human being like this one does. You could have a 3-D hologram that wouldn't be as spot on as this painting. I feel an enormous sense of remorse for Guy Ritchie. I can only imagine what it must be like to be married to Skeletor and be forced and expected to fulfill her sexually. Geez, Ritchie's sexual trysts with this sinewy, lipoatrophic narcissist must be the most painful and selfless act of love ever performed by a mortal man. He should be Cannonnized by God in person. I can't even fathom the condition of Ritchie's mental health. I bet he wakes up in pools of his own sweat and urine from simple flashbacks of seeing her at the breakfast table. I'm almost positive my penis would stand a better chance of survival if I shoved it into a food processor with diamond blades, sulphuric acid and Black Cat firecrackers.
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