Americans are evenly divided over the idea of making free health care available to every one in the country, but opposition grows dramatically when their own health insurance is involved.
Forty-two percent (42%) of Americans say every one in the United States should have free health care. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% disagree.
Free Health Care? Really? Free? Should the follow up question be, "Who "PAYS" for the free health care?" This is where my blood begins to boil because people are stupid and I'm not. Free health care is utopia and if you want to ask Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels how their Utopian Socialism played out, you'd have to ressurect a broken down and decimated eastern Europe and Soviet Union. Government healthcare doesn't work anywhere in the world, despite what fat-ass Michael Moore's propoganda movies tell you. Socialized healthcare is inefficient, expensive, excluding, and poorly practiced. Healthcare is not a right. No one in need of healthcare can ever be denied, but healthcare in itself is not a right. Until people are forced to realize this, we're treading water in a raging sea.
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