Drudge is reporting from sources inside NBC, that the network is banning Ann Coulter from any further appearances on their network. In fact she was replaced at the last minute on the Today Show with Perez Hilton, who recently offered $1,000 to anyone that throws a pie and hits Coulter. The funny thing about NBC is the quote they issued that followed her dismissal from the show and subsequent ban.
"We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer. It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either."
That's the single most ignorant, hippocritical remark ever spoken. Haven't we been saying this to the same idiotic network(s) for at least 4 years? You're right Today Show, that's not what we want, but it didn't stop you with President Bush. All the American people have gotten is Bush Bashing with or without merit. I'm not a fan of Coulter or Bush necessarily, but kudos to her and her new book, Guilty, which accuses liberal media sources of biased journalism, among them NBC, and obviously MSNBC. Doesn't seem like such a far fetched accusation now, huh? This is a time where I truly wish boycotts worked. I would love to NBC to sink in the ratings...even more than they have with their stupid news outlets no one watches and their God-awful attempts at comedy like 30 Rock and (S)till (N)not (L)aughing. This network has truly jumped the shark in every way imaginable. I can't believe they had the nerve to release this quote to the American people in an attempt to be honorable. Your I.Q. is below 50 if you don't find the irony.
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