Monday, February 27, 2012

Poor Jen...

Jennifer Aniston's new movie, Wanderlust, opened this weekend to a typical Aniston performance...dead last. She's such an idiot. She's like 40 something and the only thing she has going for her is a smoking body. Her face has seen more knives than Nicole Brown Simpson, so I refuse to give her credit for that. She was rumored to have a nude scene in the movie, but because she's an A-List star, who the hell knows why, she gets final cut and decided to scrap the scene before its release. It wouldn't have done much to help since the movie earned less than a sequel starring Nic Cage. How bad does a movie have to be to lose to Nic Cage. I could make a movie on my iPhone that could outperform Nic Cage. Regardless, to add insult to painful injury, Angelina showed up to the Oscars and looked like this:

If you're a woman and you're reading this, you just called Jolie a slut. If you're a guy, you probably just masturbated.

Precious 2.0

Melissa McCarthy, the funny chick from Bridesmaids, showed up to the Oscars last night in this Broadway stage curtain. Let me guess, she's comfortable in her skin and she owned it. Wrong. Let me stop you there. The only thing getting OWNED is her knees and ankles and her arteries from the elevated cholesterol. I watched the Oscars last night, which holy crap, I wish I had that three hours back. The only thing more painful than Billy Crystals pun-filled so-called comedy, was Brad Pitt saying "screw it" and rocking the Rachel Green hair cut. I digress. Everyone made such a HUGE (pardon the pun) deal about Melissa McCarthy and how beautiful she looked. Bullshit. The same people that gushed about how gorgeous she looked, would be chasing Oxy with Drano if they looked like that. I don't care if she eats her way to Mars, but what annoys me is Hollywood in one breath, being the most superficial town in the world, while in the other, telling fatties like Melissa she's stunningly beautiful. It's cruel. The joke's on her. She's no different than Jonah Hill 80lbs ago, or Chris Farley. She's the fat funny girl. Hollywood sucks my nuts.

missed you...

It's been a while since we've spoken. If you cared, which you don't, but if you did, you would remember that sometime last year, I promised that I would do a better job of entertaining you with my offensive and perspicacious rhetoric; alas, I failed. Regardless, I am pulling myself out of retirement because I miss vomiting my cynicism and demanding that my opinions be substantiated. That's where you come in...see you soon.