WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One in every 31 U.S. adults is in the corrections system, which includes jail, prison, probation and supervision, more than double the rate of a quarter century ago, according to a report released on Monday by the Pew Center on the States.
The United States has the highest incarceration rate and the biggest prison population of any country in the world, according to figures from the U.S. Department of Justice.
Those numbers are higher in certain areas of the country, and Georgia tops all states with one in 13 adults in the justice system. The other leading states are Idaho, where one in 18 are in corrections and Texas, where the rate is one in 22. In the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., nearly 5 percent of adults are in the city's penal system
I could say I am shocked by this, but it would be like saying I'm shocked that people on welfare don't look for jobs. I'm just sick of everything. I'm beginning to think like France tonight. It seems that everything for which America stands for, I don't agree. When did this happen to the greatest nation in the history of the world? Anyway, aside from that, however, is my introspection, and therefore, assessment of our socialistic machinations that are leading to the destruction of capitalism as we know it and the removal of a responsible and law abiding populous. My hypothesis for eliminating these parasitic mistletoes from overtaking our branches of liberty and freedom would be to inhibit any person(s) that doesn't pay taxes from not only voting, but from other socialistic handouts as well. If you don't have a job and/or have documented evidence that you're looking for one, then you're incapable of receiving assistance from medicaid, welfare, etc. If you're not contributing to the economy of this country, then your priviledges aren't being earned, they're being stolen. Being an honest, hard working citizen that's looking for work or making minimal wages isn't frowned upon or castigated, but instead, become the basis of where this country laid its foundation for capitalism, independence, freedom and self sufficiency. Something has to change with the free thinking people of this country. We have to reassess our responsibility with not only our votes, but our monies and our aspirations. At this rate, our counry is succumbing to choking government dependencies faster than consumer confidence and corruption can asphyxiate our breaths of freedom.
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