Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Please God, hopefully her pet cat just fell out of her Chanel Bag.

I don't know what else this could mean(32 second mark), except for what she said..and holy effing crap is that disturbing. Imagine this girl joining the Junior League or the Garden Club. I mean, she's a pop star with almost no career repercussions or legal ramifications for her actions and she's still a raging sh!t show. She's, at all times, one long check out line at Wal-mart away from soaring her weight back to 150, covering her face with comedones, and forgetting her kids exist or need food and water. If this really happened, someone that sat on the front row in Tampa is wondering how Britney Spears opened her show by actually allowing real life people dressed as circus directors to run out of her vagina unscathed. That really happened. It's been documented.

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