BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. — The parents of four sisters found locked in the back of a truck have been charged with child endangerment.
Mississippi Highway Patrol spokesman Cpl. Johnny Poulos said the girls, ages 7, 10, 11 and 15, were discovered in the back of a rental truck.
John and Kimberly Leinweber of Atlantic Beach, Fla., were charged with four counts each of child endangerment, according to Poulos. Authorities said the family was traveling to Louisiana.
The couple is being held without bond in the Hancock County jail pending an initial court appearance, Poulos said.
The sisters were released into the custody of a grandparent from Louisiana.
Hancock County deputies found the children Monday, according to Poulos.
What's the big deal here people. Some Jacksonville man locked them in the back of a Uhaul for 12 hours...it's hardly torture. I mean, when my nephews and nieces come to visit I make them hunt and kill their own food, which is usually rodents found scurrying around the house. Don't worry though, I'm a disciplinarian, they don't eat until they scrub the kitchen tiles with their toothbrushes. ("GO brush your teeth kids!") Ahem, Sorry. Anyway, lay off people spending time with their kids...at least they're trying.
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