Misery Loves Company: Madoff Victims Gather In NYC (2/21/2009)
NYC Toy Fair Vendor Offers Madoff Doll... To Smash (2/16/2009)
UK Veteran Killed Himself After Madoff Loss (2/13/2009)
Official: Wife Of Madoff Pulled $15M Before Arrest (2/11/2009)
SEC And Madoff Reach Agreement On Fraud Case (2/10/2009)
Bernie Madoff is accused of fleecing his clients out of billions, but he said Monday he shouldn't be forced into the poorhouse.
His lawyers are arguing that Madoff should be entitled to keep the $7 million apartment he's currently being held in while under house arrest and $62 million, including $45 million in municipal bonds.
Court papers filed on Monday state that Madoff and his lawyer say the Manhattan penthouse and the millions held in accounts of Madoff's wife, Ruth, are not subject to seizure.
So, "The Most Appropriate and Ironic Names in History Awards" were given out today and Bernie Madoff(made off), won not only for his name, but also for being the most pompous, arrogant, ignonimous asshole on the planet. He rips off everyone imaginable, from JOE BLOWS to celebrities, and leaves them devastated in his wake of corruption and greed. All of this money, literally stolen, was sunk into his 6 million dollar condo, his personal investments (bonds ironically), and meanwhile, his wife witdraws millions in cash just days before he's arrested. He's already allowed to be under house arrest, despite being a more significant flight risk than almost anyone in the world...it just drips drops of Bull Sh!t into the counter intuitive corner. Honestly, tonight, after all of these stories, I can't begin to express my disgust with Government, justice and just simply, people in general. A very wise man always told me, "If you want justice, go to the whorehouse...if you wanna get screwed, go to the courthouse." Overly simplistic maybe, but applicable nonetheless.
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