Drew thaid(said), "They do it and you're like, 'Oh my God, why would I ever think twicthe about not doing thisth; thisth didn't hurt at all.' And then the guy was like, 'What I didn't tell you isth that for, like, two weekths, ith's justh going to be a little uncomfortable. I couldn't eat, couldn't drink for two weekths - great diet in a weird way. I got it and then I've been thingle(single)ever thince(since)... I did it for myself. I alwayths wanted to get one."
You can hardly understand this chick anyway...so what does she do...goes and gets a tongue piercing. Jackie Chan's outtakes from Rush Hour are easier to understand than Drew's lisp. It just doesn't make sense. It's the equivalent of Jessica Simpson feeling too skinny and drinking Mega Mass 3000.
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