The swimsuit issue accounts for 11% of "Sports" Illustrated's annual revenue, an SI honcho said on Bloomberg last night. We assume he meant ad revenue, although it's possible he was referring to the whole kit and kaboodle.
If we assume 50 yearly issues, each issue represents about 2% of available annual ad inventory. Which means the swimsuit issue is 5X as profitable as the sports the magazine covers in the other 49 issues.
Call me crazy, but isn't the target audience, sports fans, mostly men? I'm pretty sure that naked, exotic women scattered throughout your issue will most certainly drive sales. Too bad for SI though, that Maxim and other half naked magazine have come on so strong. When I was a kid, SI was your only outlet unless you had that uncle that didn't work, but still mooched off your family and would buy you Playboys and cigarettes.
In synopsis, oil covered breasts on exotic Brazilian models are more marketable to men than 7 foot freaks, hairy baseball players and toothless hockey players.
That just can't be.
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