A Saudi formerly detained at Guantanamo Bay who became an Al Qaeda field commander in Yemen after his release from a Saudi "rehabilitation" program was brought back into custody Tuesday — but experts say he may still pose a considerable threat.
Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Awfi lived quietly in Saudi Arabia for a year after his release from Guantanamo Bay in November 2007, but he re-emerged last month in a jihadist video that showed him in Yemen, wearing a bandolier of bullets and threatening the United States.
I wish I could grab the head of the person(s) that came up with the "Islamic Extremist Rehab" cause I would, like Biff from Back to the Future, "knock-knock" against their cranium with my knuckles while screaming, "Hello McFly?" Can there be anything more cockamamie? It's like trying to send your son or daughter to counseling to make them "ungay," or like Bristol Palin, teaching your kids abstinence as a way of avoiding pregnancies. These people are born to carry guns and target freedom, capitalism, infidels and ultimately and most importantly, Americans. They're brainwashed into rewards of virgins in the afterlife for walking into sidewalk markets filled with innocent faithful Muslims and children with grenades and blowing themselves into oblivion while using Allah as an excuse for absolute inhumane insanity. Relying on Terroristic REHAB to fix this problem, closing Guantanomo Bay, releasing self-proclaimed enemies of the United States to the custody of countries that hate us and our ideologies, is completely irresponsible foreign policy and doing anything but protecting us from further terroristic acts. If these are the policies the liberals are demanding from Obama and his Presidency, then everyone better start their own airplane, subway, taxi, bus, public transit security measures...because another attack is not only inevitable, but invited.
1 comment:
I completely concur. We the people have forgotten what happened on 9/11. Diplomacy is bullsh*t. It just doesn't work. Just as it is near impossible to rehab a meth addict, it is even more difficult to change someone's ideals. Waterboard the he*l out of me, I will still believe that America is pretty great, and that Jesus is real. Perhaps we should all start taking "zingo" home at night. You should get on that one, stat.
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