Kenny Chesney spoke to Playboy magazine(hold on)hahahahahahahahahahah...ok I'm back, about all the women he's bedded. This sounds so ridiculous I can hardly think of anything to write, but here goes,
"Man, I was over 100 several years ago. There were years when I had a better summer than A-Rod, buddy. You know? I got on the boards quite often."
Puhlease...I have so many problems with this guy, I can't even count them. I guess his music is okay, but he's he basically surged to popularity by ripping off Jimmy Buffet. He's the biggest poser in the entertainment industry. And dude, we know your list isn't 100...at least for girls. I would conceed 20 because you probably racked up that many trying to convince yourself you're straight. You're not. Not even close. Straight people don't wear tank tops and puka shells. Gays do. It's a fact. I verified it in the archives of Advocate magazine. Also, typically, when you marry and divorce within 16 seconds, your ex-wife doesn't list "fraud" as the reason for it all falling apart.
Well, I agree that Kenny is a poser, but have to tell you that there was a pretty good story about a hook up I'm sure he made.
It happened when my husband was with the Texans. One of his teammates had a fiancee that went to a Kenny concert. The story goes that Kenny saw her in the crowd and got her back stage-he then begged her to go on tour with him. She did, broke it off with her fiancee, and hit the road. Two weeks later she was back in Houston used up. Dumb girl... and no, I wouldn't believe it if I didn't know the guy that it happened to.
Just sayin' Kenny may be gay, but if so, he's got a ton of women fooled and drooling over him...
you should be him for halloween... puka shells, blue chairs and all!!
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