Thomas, dude, come on. She looks like a dude. You're locked into this tranny forever. So disappointed. Your mojo just jumped out of your body and ran a 3.2 40 straight to Matt Cassel's house. Brady, you just jumped the shark. She's not even the prettiest girl at your games on Sunday. In three years, don't say I didn't warn you.
Tom Brady has added to his collection of rings.
The New England Patriots quarterback and supermodel Gisele Bundchen, his girlfriend of three years, married Thursday in Los Angeles, Us Weekly reported on its Web site.
The ceremony was "very small and intimate," Us Weekly reported, with the guest list mostly consisting of immediate family. Brady's son with ex-girlfriend Bridget Moynahan was also in attendance, according to the report.
Dolce & Gabbana reportedly dressed the wedding party, with Bundchen wearing a gown from the design house and her three dogs wearing matching lace collars. reported last May that Bundchen was the world's highest-paid supermodel, with estimated annual earnings of $35 million.
A Russian man died after guzzling a bottle of Viagra to keep him going for a 12-hour orgy with two female pals.
The women had bet mechanic Sergey Tuganov $4,300 that he wouldn’t be able to follow through with the half-day sex marathon.
But minutes after winning the bet, the 28-year-old died of a heart attack, Moscow police said.
“We called emergency services but it was too late, there was nothing they could do,” said one of the female participants who identified herself only as Alina.
Let me gather my bearings, "Alina," as we'll call her, was only "ONE" of the particpants? And the group banged a 28 year old man to death..and bet on it? Wow. Just Wow. With the growing teenage pregancy rate, this totally sounds like something that should be printed in the Florida Times-Union.
If you're blonde and you wanna be even more sexy, make this face. If I were a poligamist or a Muslim and these two women were in my harem, I would, without a doubt be on welfare, because the odds of me leaving the master bedroom of my house would be worse than hitting the powerball and megamillion in the same week.
"I am very surprised, frankly, at this statement from the United States government and from the secretary of state," said Mortimer Zuckerman, publisher of the New York Daily News and member of the NYC Jewish Community Relations Council.
"I liked her a lot more as a senator from New York," Assemblyman Dov Hikind, D-Brooklyn, said. "Now, I wonder as I used to wonder who the real Hillary Clinton is."
Funny, Mr. Zuckerman, I've been wondering who the real Hillary is for nearly 17 years. Whether it was her involvement in protesting the trial of muderous members of the radical Black Panther Party, or her summer internship with former communist and hardline Stalinist, attorney Robert Treuhaft, in Berkeley CA. If that's not enough to fill you in about Hillary's dream job's boss, this will do it:
"Treuhaft is a man who dedicated his entire legal career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB," notes historian Stephen Schwartz."
Mr. Zuckerman, I completely understand the enigma created by the two most dedicated people in history to power, politics, and the Presidency, Bill and Hillary Clinton. Remember that democracy life cylce thing. Well, as I said before, we're somewhere on the downside of complacency and apathy.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been 200 years.
These nations have progressed through this sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith from spiritual faith to great courage from courage to liberty from liberty to abundance from abundance to selfishness from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy from apathy to dependency from dependency back to bondage. -- Alexander Fraser Tytler (1742-1813)
How either of these people have shows, is beyond me. They're the left wing equivalent of Sean Hannity...i guess...if you can say Air America was the left wing equivalent of Limbaugh and Hannity, which you can't. I only know Keith Olberman because of Sportscenter in the early 90's and the clue. I swear to you I've never even seen her before. By watching her retort and assessment of Gov Jindal's speech, I know now why they're nearly dead last in the news ratings.
David Brooks, of the New York Times, is the most unbiased, honorable, unpartisan news source there has ever been. I espcially like his slip up at :32 seconds, when he mistakenly slips up and "outs" himself as a democrat opposed to the sheer existence of anyone right of the delieverer, Obama. Also again at the 1:00 mark when he says, "some people thought they got too moderate, other people (I, David Brooks) thought they got too weird." This guy is a joke and the reason that almost every major newspaper in the country is failing. Mainstream media outlets are so skewed in this country. To not see this, is a blatant and undeniable admittance to be a card carrying, anti-capitalist liberal. I guess it's not so bad though, our President rides the same socialism/income redistribution train.
Oh David, one more thing, speaking of disasters for parties, the only one I see is your shirt and tie.
It's amazing what people will do to be on television. For those that have seen Prince of Tides, I guess you could say the same about me, but at least it was a movie and not a soul selling, pride depleting, sexually exploitative, cougar chasing reality show. These clowns are exchanging their pride for a chance to make out with a 40 year old over-the-hill pitiful excuse for a mother of four. Can you imagine the issues that her kids will have? She should just send them to live with octo-mom. It would be equally destructive. To say that this chick is in her prime is a stretch and by stretch I mean her birth canal. After four kids, that's the only flesh eating cougar on this show.
LOS ANGELES — Nadya Suleman has voiced concern that the hospital where her octuplets are being cared for may prevent her from taking them home when they're healthy enough in coming weeks.
But in reality, hospitals don't prevent healthy children from going home — child protective services do.
And that's only if a complaint has been filed. Hospital employees are mandated to report to county authorities any concerns they have about unsuitable home environments, a mother's emotional or psychological instability, or any other situation that could result in harm to a child.
The only thing that the hospital should take away from this freak show is her uterus. I would rather send my son on a camping trip with O.J. Simpson and Michael Jackson than let this woman within 100 feet of him. This Coo-Coo Bird can't be reached dialing long distance. She is a classic case of Disassociative Identity Disorder...this creepy obsession with Angelina Jolie to the point where she neeglects her families needs in order to reconstruct her already and still busted face is just laughable. I wish this girl would go to that doctor Penny went to from Dirty Dancing. He would certainly be doing the American Taxpayers a favor. Her dad went on Oprah and spoke out against her daughter and even questioned her mental stability. When your parents hate you, you know you've failed at life. Afterall, my parents love me. They dropped me off at the arcade in 1989, but mom said she'd be back. I know she will. She's never let me down. Hpe she comes soon...I'm on my last life on Galaga.
Cheryl Tweedy delievers time and time again. She could wear a burlap sack with those spring loaded eyeball clown glasses and Ronald McDonald shoes and I'd still walk seven miles on hot coals while battling fire breathing dragons and evil wizards for an opportunity to stand next to her in the supermarket.
Duke basketball makes me sick. Yeah, they're well coached. Yeah, they get great talent. Yeah, they play great man to man defense. But, holy crap, they get every call imaginable. Coach K could rape and sodomize the starting five at midcourt just after tip-off and somehow the zebras would give quintuple technicals to the opposing team. When you take as many steps as this guy, you need a suitcase. He moved four feet on the floor right beside the official and nothing was called. Unbelievable. referees destroy sports on almost every level.
Television chefs (if you can even call her that) never cease to amaze me. Paula Dean's restaurant in Savannah is a basic Golden Corral pig trough buffet, except there's an hour wait. An hour wait for canned vegetables and poorly made biscuits. I guess morbid obesity and a labored, hyperbolized southern accent sells food whether it's good or not.
PD: "Gawd, Ya'll. This is gunna be so goood. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! HAAAAAAA!!!! WHEW!!! Way-el, it's one of my original recipes. I call it Chatham cheese and noodles."
Audience Member: "Paula isn't that just mac and cheese?"
PD: Whyyy no dahlin. Haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa. Woooohooooooo HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, This is southern. This is Chatham cheese and noodles. Just keep watchin' and ya'll will see...and be sure to pick up a couple of my son's and my new cookbooks...they're great for a gift for your freeinds and family."
Eating rat sh*t out of a garbage can on Abercorn Street sounds more appitizing than her recycled, ripped off recipes.
Fox News Reports, Most NBA stars could have any woman they want, but Marko Jaric had to go and take Adriana Lima from single men everywhere.
The couple eloped in a small private ceremony on Valentines Day in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, according to a report in People magazine.
Lima, 27, is a Brazilian supermodel best known for her work as a Victoria’s Secret Angel. Jaric, 29, is a guard for the Minnesota Timberwolves.
“We are so excited about our future together,” Lima said. “And we are really looking forward to a big romantic wedding this summer with all our friends and family.”
I'm still confused how a Minnesota Timberwolf can score this chick. They don't even score on the hardwood. This is pretty much the sexiest woman on the planet with her mouth closed (her teeth are kinda jacked). I'm not saying I would sacrifice life and limb, well maybe I am, but I would pretty much let my penis bob for french fries in a deep fryer in exchange for 13 seconds with this girl.
This woman is delusional. Kudos to Fox for calling out her anti-capitalistic ideals, not to mention, her complete and undeniable stupidity. Acorn is socialism and wealth redistribution at its core definition.
Cindy Crawford hasn't been drinking Pepsi and making penises explode in like a decade or so, but damn if she isn't stunning. This woman is defying every law of aging. If you can find a woman this hot pumping gas into a Bentley, you better chloroform her, hog tie her, duct tape her mouth, and take her to that shack in Montana occupied by the Unabomber. I'm not gonna speak for everyone, but I bet most men would sex Rosie Odonnell and Magic Johnson while on fire for a chance at Cindy Crawford.
I was one of the three people that actually didn't fall asleep with their mouth open last night from boredom. When Slumdog Millionaire won best picture, I couldn't help but wonder why Tiger Woods' family was on stage sharing in the excitement (Thanks Buffkin).
I'm trying to figure out how this is considered one of the sexiest women in Hollywood. All I can do is scratch my head. Seriously, she looks like a claironet player...3rd chair. I'm so sick of being talked into finding women sexy. If this is the best that town has to offer, I know why movies are bringing in record low crowds.
1. They Suck.
2. There is no talent and no star quality.
If you're one that thinks this chick is gorgeous, you either live in North Dakota, Maine, Montana, or Jacksonville.
This picture is so boring, the only thing I can truly focus on is that golden statue in the background with no genitalia. The only reason Plainniston should ever be on TV or film again, would be if Friends had a reunion show where Rachel and Ross contract the Ebola virus and their organs liquify and are reduced to just a pool of liquid like Terminator 2 or the Wicked Witch of the West.
Honestly, could the Oscars have been more uneventful. News sources are reporting that many of the Hollywood elite, whatever that means, "no showed" the most important event of the year. I can't blame them. Watching this liberal self indulgent love fest last night was about as painful as getting poked in the eye with hot syphilis needles. I would rather be eaten alive by mountain lions.
For some reason, producers of the Oscar ceremony wanted to ensure the lowest ratings in history, so they scheduled Fatonce to perform in some outfit that made her look like Jessica Rabbit with a weight problem. She performed as I expected...she didn't. She walked around moving her mouth, but to say she sang well would be misleading. I'm pretty sure david Blain and David Copperfield were involved with Fatonce's performance because at the beginning of the video, they somehow tricked the audience into thinking that the loud booming sounds as she was walking down the steps were drums and not her inner thighs clapping together. I know the real truth you sneaky magicians.
CROWN POINT, Ind. — A Chicago man has been convicted of attacking his wife on their honeymoon in Indiana after she refused his demand for a specific sex act.
Jurors in Lake Superior Court in Crown Point deliberated about five hours Thursday before finding 35-year-old Jose Cuevas Jr. guilty of aggravated battery and battery. Cuevas faces up to 20 years in prison when he is sentenced March 16.
Cuevas was accused of holding Marbelin Jeronimo's head underwater in a hot tub in their room and biting flesh off her arm while they were staying at a Days Inn in Merrillville last May.
Authorities say Cuevas beat her and threw her around the room after she refused his demand for a sex act. Police say Jeronimo's face was severely battered and her eyes were swollen shut.
Cuevas had been charged earlier with attempted murder.
Damn yo! I thought Chris Brown was hard core. This dude makes Ike Turner look like Pope John Paul II. Homeboy unleashed the wrath after his wife refused a sex act...I'm no Sister Cleo or the Oracle at Delphi, but I bet I can guess what that was; but bro, holding your girls head under the water, biting her, and swelling bofe her eyes shut...that's just gangsta. What is it with the biting these days? I must have missed this day in self defense class. I just find it bazaar, biting, I mean. I guess it's like dogs hiking their leg on mailboxes, just an animal instinct to leave your mark. I dunno...and did I read he had previously been charged with attempted murder? WOW. How did she introduce this cat to her parents? I picture the scenario going something like this, "Mom Dad, this is Jose Cuevas Jr. He did 5 in Chino for attempted murder, but he's been rehabilitated and he loves me and we're getting married. We're gonna honeymoon at the Days INN in Merrillville...that place is so romantic. I'm so excited. It's exactly what I always dreamed about." At that point any self respecting and loving father would funnel three gallons of Drano, light himself afire and put his head in the oven while crying. Nonetheless, something tells me this one might not go the distance.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Other than having a bit of a headache, a Kansas City woman was uninjured after a bullet fired at her ended up tangled in her hair weave. Police said the 20-year-old woman was in a convenience store parking lot late Wednesday when a man flagged her down and told her that her ex-boyfriend still loved her.
She replied, "Well I dont love him," then heard gunshots. She said she looked behind the vehicle and saw her ex-boyfriend firing a handgun at her. She stomped her accelerator and fled, then turned into another parking lot and called police.
She told officers she recently had ended an eight-month relationship with the suspect.
Police arrested the ex-boyfriend and his friend in a car.
Seriously, I think it's better for this one if I just don't leave commentary. There's more than enough to amuse yourself.
Jennifer Anniston's (not nominated) suffering career will try to trick itself on Sunday as she will present some award no one really cares about like best animation or best art direction at the Academy Awards. This awards show is essentially the Mecca for all narcissists. It's just a group of Hollywood elitist shaking hands and telling each other how uneducatedly great they are and how bad the economy is doing and how small their respective carbon footprints are. These people absolutely make me sick. Fifty percent of all famous people are only because they're related to someone famous, the other 49% is because they're whores and pretty, or whores and ugly. The remaining 1% are truly talented i.e. Steve Buscemi, Tom Hanks. It just so happens that this year there is redemption. Jennifer Anniston (not nominated) has been chosen to give out an award. After she pays John Mayer to escort her, has another nose job, and vomits for three days, she'll show up to give away an award no one cares about. Meanwhile, in the crowd, Pitt (best actor nominee) will be staring suggestively at Jolie (best actress nominee), and counting the seconds until they can go make baby number 127. I just can't take these people anymore. I truly despise them all, just Anniston, Fatonce and Meryl Streep more than the rest. The only redeeming thing about a complete and total American financial collapse would be that Hollywood would be forced to job hunt. That would be the greatest day of my life. I can see it now...following Beyonce into an interview and knowing she's my competition.
A Saudi formerly detained at Guantanamo Bay who became an Al Qaeda field commander in Yemen after his release from a Saudi "rehabilitation" program was brought back into custody Tuesday — but experts say he may still pose a considerable threat.
Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Awfi lived quietly in Saudi Arabia for a year after his release from Guantanamo Bay in November 2007, but he re-emerged last month in a jihadist video that showed him in Yemen, wearing a bandolier of bullets and threatening the United States.
I wish I could grab the head of the person(s) that came up with the "Islamic Extremist Rehab" cause I would, like Biff from Back to the Future, "knock-knock" against their cranium with my knuckles while screaming, "Hello McFly?" Can there be anything more cockamamie? It's like trying to send your son or daughter to counseling to make them "ungay," or like Bristol Palin, teaching your kids abstinence as a way of avoiding pregnancies. These people are born to carry guns and target freedom, capitalism, infidels and ultimately and most importantly, Americans. They're brainwashed into rewards of virgins in the afterlife for walking into sidewalk markets filled with innocent faithful Muslims and children with grenades and blowing themselves into oblivion while using Allah as an excuse for absolute inhumane insanity. Relying on Terroristic REHAB to fix this problem, closing Guantanomo Bay, releasing self-proclaimed enemies of the United States to the custody of countries that hate us and our ideologies, is completely irresponsible foreign policy and doing anything but protecting us from further terroristic acts. If these are the policies the liberals are demanding from Obama and his Presidency, then everyone better start their own airplane, subway, taxi, bus, public transit security measures...because another attack is not only inevitable, but invited.
Headline on this morning reads, "OBAMA MOVES TOWARD 'SWEDISH MODEL' FOR BANKS."
This idea of Government controlling banks is the next logical step toward the socialistic failures of eastern Europe, Russia and others. Below are some excerpts from, "The Collapse of Socialism."
A View from the Left By Eugene Genovese
Those who indulge in the fantasy of a socialism risen phoenix-like from the ashes no longer equate socialism with workingclass power and the abolition of private property. Rather, they embrace a caricature of classic liberalism that would free individuals from virtually all social restraint. But, with startling inconsistency and bad faith, they project this liberation under the watchful eye of a bureaucratic state that makes sure we all do the right thing. I am tempted to pursue the psychological underpinnings, but shall content myself with recalling a wonderful cartoon from the Sixties. It showed a sit-in in which a hippie was shouting, "I hate people who can't love everybody!"
World-historic events compel a reassessment of first principles as well as political and social policies. For those on the Left, that need not lead to a retreat from our lifelong struggle for social justice--our struggle against economic exploitation, racism, male supremacy, and the atomization of social life. But this struggle has often blinded us to the historic achievements of capitalism, upon which any civilized society must build, and not the least of those achievements has been an economic performance that has created expanded possibilities for individual freedom and political democracy for enormous numbers of people throughout the world.
The Left wishes to forget Marx's materialist premise--and promise--namely, that a socialist society would outproduce its capitalist rival and thereby provide the material foundations for an unprecedented human liberation. The woeful failure of socialism as an economic system has laid bare the delusive nature of the dream. For better and worse, capitalism, not socialism, has once again emerged as the world's greatest revolutionary--and self-revolutionizing--system, and, in so doing, it has established its claims to being immeasurably more congruent with human nature. But it has not thereby refuted the charge of its also being an economic system that undermines the foundations of civilized life by atomizing individuals, and undermines the inspiring concept of citizenship that it created in the first place. Rather, when considered in the light of the failure of socialism, capitalism today poses anew the challenge to construct a decent social order.
What lessons has the Anglo-American Left learned from the collapse of the socialist countries? Here we may turn to a book of essays edited by Robin Blackburn, the talented editor of Britain's New Left Review. Entitled After the Fall: The Failure of Communism and the Future of Socialism, it contains contributions by such big guns as Eric Hobsbawm--easily the ablest intellectual on the English-speaking Left--as well as E. P. Thompson, Fred Halliday, Frederick Jameson, Juergen Habermas, and others. The good news is that the left-wing intellectuals have discovered that markets and even private property are necessary to economic rationality, growth, and development. Mr. Blackburn, to his credit, even calls for a belated engagement with the thought of von Mises and Hayek. Those of us who for decades unsuccessfully pleaded for such a course, and for a recognition that private property is necessary for a civilized political life, ought to be pleased. But alas, to invoke a famous line from Lenin, it is one step forward, two steps back.
Despite some good moments, After the Fall makes dreary reading. The collapse of the socialist countries, it seems, has little to do with socialism per se; indeed, it opens the way to a "true" socialism freed of Stalinist perversion. That no socialist regime--no regime of the radical Left at any time in history--has ever avoided political tyranny and mass murder goes unremarked, apparently on the dubious premise that there is a first time for everything.
This is the headline on How do two nuclear submarines carrying state-of-the-art sonar equipment bump into each other?
I'll tell you how. First of all, it was a British and French sub. That's the biggest reason. The other reason is these things are super fast. On the record, most say a speed of 45 knots/52mph is attainable. Off the record, waaaay faster. In fact, sailors on the USS Seawolf created an acronym for high level of speed, as during Bravo testing, the Seawolf had parts fall off due to the high rate of speed. SFFSFO (So *ucking Fast *hit Falls Off). Can you imagine being in a submarine traveling at speeds in excess of 60 mph? That seems incredibly unsafe considering you're being powered by nuclear energy. That boat was comissioned in 1957. If *hit falls off a boat from speed in 1957, imagine what top speeds are today?
Kenny Chesney spoke to Playboy magazine(hold on)hahahahahahahahahahah...ok I'm back, about all the women he's bedded. This sounds so ridiculous I can hardly think of anything to write, but here goes,
"Man, I was over 100 several years ago. There were years when I had a better summer than A-Rod, buddy. You know? I got on the boards quite often."
Puhlease...I have so many problems with this guy, I can't even count them. I guess his music is okay, but he's he basically surged to popularity by ripping off Jimmy Buffet. He's the biggest poser in the entertainment industry. And dude, we know your list isn't least for girls. I would conceed 20 because you probably racked up that many trying to convince yourself you're straight. You're not. Not even close. Straight people don't wear tank tops and puka shells. Gays do. It's a fact. I verified it in the archives of Advocate magazine. Also, typically, when you marry and divorce within 16 seconds, your ex-wife doesn't list "fraud" as the reason for it all falling apart.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
LA MARQUE, Texas — An allegedly intoxicated couple stopped at a police station to try to catch a lift home. La Marque Police Chief Richard Price said the woman collapsed in the lobby. Her 22-year-old boyfriend was arrested after marijuana was found in his shoes.
Price told The Associated Press on Friday he believes the two were under the influence of narcotics and "thought they needed to get a ride home."
The Galveston County Daily News reports a police dispatcher monitoring security video Wednesday night noticed the pair.
Price said the woman, who received medical attention, recovered and will be cited for public intoxication. Her name was not released.
Michael Carl Bell of Texas City was jailed on a marijuana possession charge. A Galveston County jailer, who declined to allow her name to be used, said bond was $2,592.
Price and the jailer had no information on an attorney for Bell.
Sometimes there just isn't an explanation for the level of stupidity that human beings can reach.
SOUTHWEST FLORIDA - A woman making national headlines after a tearful moment with President Obama has a new home.
Thursday morning, Chene Thompson handed Henrietta Hughes the keys to her home in Hendry County. Thompson is the wife of State Representative Nick Thompson (R-District 73). Hughes and her son will live at the home rent free.
At President Obama's town hall meeting in Fort Myers on Tuesday, Henrietta Hughes stood up and told the President she has been homeless since 2003 and can't find a job.
She also says she's reach a dead end with government assistance and none of the local charity agencies will help.
However, a local organization is coming forward saying Hughes isn't being honest about how much help she's had in the past.
The director of We Care Outreach Ministry, Tanya Johnson, says just last month she offered Henrietta Hughes permanent housing and a place to stay free for three months, but Hughes refused.
"We would have allowed her to stay for the first 90 days, no income. You know free," said Tanya Johnson.
We Care Outreach Ministry is a faith based organization in Fort Myers.
Johnson says she also gave Henrietta and her son Corey, money, food and offered Corey job training courses, but it was refused.
"We have extended a lot of her services to her," Johnson said.
But Henrietta Hughes says these services weren't free and the apartment in East Fort Myers came with a price tag.
Hughes says Tanya Johnson wanted $400 a month immediately.
The disability check Hughes gets is a little more than $800 a month.
Hughes owes money on a loan, has her car insurance payment, a monthly storage bill and says she couldn't afford the rent.
"Where was I going to get $400 a month to give her if I got these expenses," Hughes told WINK News.
WINK News Reporter Nick Spinetto went back to talk to Tanya Johnson. She stands by her story.
This story makes me sick to my stomach. Since when did America become a country that rewards and encourages indigence? Since when did America become that country that rewards bad decisions and self-pity? For 8 months, I wouldn't even take unemployment from the government and this woman gets a house rent free? We are at a point in our government where our Federal obligations/national Debt surpasses the world's GDP. 65 Trillion dollars!!! Can you even fathom that? That kind of money would pay off every citizens home mortgage. Yet, we keep spending. We are in the collapse of American democracy and America as the World Power as we know it. This is a monetary burden that can never be fulfilled. It's simply insurmountable. The stimulus, increasing federal debt, it only furthers dependency on Government and fuels additional programs and Government size. We are beginning to see from Obama, an ideology that he's always supported and dreamed about, but knew wouldn't have gotten him elected. Ignorant voters lined up at the pols for a smooth talker and pretty face. Now the consequences of irresponsible citizens will witness first hand the demise of free market democracy. It's only a matter of time.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not"
"I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it" (Thomas Jefferson).
If anyone was lucky enough to see Joaquin Phoenix on the Late Show, then you all know how incredibly awkward or stoned Joaquin was during the interview. As of late, I've been really turned off by Letterman because he's turned political and in my opinion, those guys should be completely politically ambiguous; however, it's times like these that make me realize just how smartly funny Dave can be sometimes as he puts arrogant self righteous Hollywood pricks in their respective places. I've actually never understood America's love fest with this guy (Phoenix). One good movie.
He says he retired from Hollywood...we could only be so lucky. I would rather sit front row at Meryl Streep and Beyonce lifetime tribute. Two Lovers (2008) with Paltrow - She hasnt been in a movie since she won an oscar has she? Reservation Road (2007) No one watched this movie We Own the Night (2007) Horribly overacted, terrible movie, redemption= Eva Mendes Nude. Walk the Line (2005) Played a stoned rock/country a stretch!!! Ladder 49 (2004) No one watched this either Hotel Rwanda (2004) Decent movie thank to Don Cheadle The Village (2004) AWFUL! Self Indulgent torture just like every movie since 6th sense. Brother Bear (2003) No one out of diapers cares. It's All About Love (2003) No need to comment. Signs (2002) CA-CA on a stick. Buffalo Soldiers (2001) Grossed like 31,098 Quills (2000) QUAT? Gladiator (2000) Played an asshole...another stretch.
How does this guy do it. He's so awesome. The suspension of disbelief is so hard to peel away. He's just so dynamic, so intelligent. I swear, I think Joaquin Pheonix is like the Meryl Streep of guys...BUTT ugly, overrated, completely narcissistic, and elitist. I wish all of America would bankrupt the elitists in Hollywood by boycotting the horrible movies they're releasing. Wouldn't you love to see some of these guys competing for jobs in the marketplace? God knows I would.
I hate to say it, but I'm thinking of getting hooked on drugs and moving to Hollywood because within the past few years, it sure does seem to be rewarded nicely.
Using Google Earth, a Los Angeles-based musician named Nathan Smith thinks he's found a lost treasure ship that sank somewhere north of Corpus Christi during a hurricane in 1822.
Yeah I know how this one will end...a group of friends, snooping around in their parent's attic, will find a treasure map. They'll endure precarious trials including playing a skeleton piano which they'll nearly escape death en route to finding a pirate ship once navigated by One Eyed Willie. A massive roided out retard saves the day and makes his mom walk the plank...or something like that.
I'm not quite sure how the eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and Germany have succeeded in breeding the most genetically superior females on earth, but I tip my hat to you, Mr. European scientist dude. Holy Toledo Ohio, the mission is accomplished. It's not even fair. Heidi Klum, master of the female gender and human race, just did a spread for GQ Deustchland, and lucky for me, they used an x-ray camera. After three kids, 35.5 years, and a SEAL, she reminds all women of her genetic superiority. Yeah, sure, there's airbrushing, but that's splitting hairs people. Don't be a hater. If you sprayed my junk with liquid nitrogen, temps would be in excess of 2300degrees Kelvin.
I watched American Idol tonight and almost disembowled myself with soup spoon. When they put people in groups and come in and horribly "act" that they're not going to make it through, but then suddenly break the news, kill me. Holy smokes was that painful. It was like watching Paul Walker and Denise Richards in an acting competition.
And the most repulsive human since the dawn of man is Tatiana Del Toro. Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Pontius Pilate are all more likable than this girl. I would rather be forced to spread the Ebola Virus in a nunnery than forced to parent this girl. It's so bad, it's almost got to be a joke, right? I waiting for the joke to be revealed.
I didn't know that Belly Clarkson and Jessica Plumpson were friends, but allegedly the two were spotted sitting on a bench on Sunset Blvd drinking Crisco Milkshakes. I don't know why Kelly has let herself go, but I'm almost sure she's eaten all four judges from American Idol and Clive Davis.
I know Leonardo Dicaprio pulls more women than anyone on Earth, but honestly, his last two girls, Gisele (Im a dude with an adam's apple) Bundchen and this Bar Raphealllliwhatever, I'm just not sold on. These two chicks are the reason the phrase Butter Face was invented. Obviously, their bodies are nearly perfect, but when you're Jack effing Dawson, you could have anyone. He gets laid on a sinking ship for crying out loud. I guess she's ok, but for the cover? SI swung for the fence, but they missed and they're just spinning around in the batters box like those kids that suck at baseball. I'm disappointed.
New disturbing details in the Rihanna-Chris Brown case emerged Tuesday with several reports claiming Rihanna’s injuries from Brown's alleged attack were “horrific.”
Law enforcement officials took pictures of the singer and the photos show major "contusions" on her face, including a split lip and a bloody nose, TMZ reported. In addition, she reportedly has "bite marks" on one arm and on several of her fingers.
DAMN YO! That's a beat down. That little beotch, Chris Brown, bites? Who Bites? I got my ass epically spanked when I was like three for biting my sister. I didn't even know people still used teeth as a weapon. It seems archaic to something you see at a Natural History exhibit. "And you can see here, humans used their teeth, not only to tear food, but also to intimidate their opponents." This punk is 19, has tons of dough, a gorgeous girlfriend, and hits girls. I hope he goes to jail and gets shanked after getting raped in the shower. Hitting a girl is like beating pets or tripping your blind, mentally challenged brother. Girls should never be physically harmed, unless of course they're those really strong transgendered ones from American Gladiator. Oh yeah, and when they refuse your advances at a bar.
The swimsuit issue accounts for 11% of "Sports" Illustrated's annual revenue, an SI honcho said on Bloomberg last night. We assume he meant ad revenue, although it's possible he was referring to the whole kit and kaboodle.
If we assume 50 yearly issues, each issue represents about 2% of available annual ad inventory. Which means the swimsuit issue is 5X as profitable as the sports the magazine covers in the other 49 issues.
Call me crazy, but isn't the target audience, sports fans, mostly men? I'm pretty sure that naked, exotic women scattered throughout your issue will most certainly drive sales. Too bad for SI though, that Maxim and other half naked magazine have come on so strong. When I was a kid, SI was your only outlet unless you had that uncle that didn't work, but still mooched off your family and would buy you Playboys and cigarettes.
In synopsis, oil covered breasts on exotic Brazilian models are more marketable to men than 7 foot freaks, hairy baseball players and toothless hockey players.
Former Atlanta Falcons running back Jamal Anderson was released from jail Sunday night following his arrest earlier in the day after an off-duty police officer witnessed him snorting cocaine in the men’s room of a Buckhead bar, Atlanta police said.
Anderson, 36, and Mark Daniel Hudson, 20, both of Duluth, were in the same stall inside the men’s room at Peachtree Tavern about 3 a.m. Sunday, snorting powder cocaine off the toilet tank, police spokesman Otis Redmond said.
This story stinks of weirdness and suspicion. Former NFL player snorting cocaine in the bathroom stall with a 20 year old? This sounds familiar in the world of athletes, except you substitute the 20 year old male with a 20 year old female. With the pick of any girl, he chooses a 20 year old dude with Athens hair. I'm not being presumptuous, but either Jamal really really needs friends, or he really really likes boys.
The (probably) self-proclaimed, Bikini Girl, from American Idol was dismissed from the show last week...thank God. Well, unfortunately, we haven't seen the last of this attention starved, daddy issues, skank. In an interview with Access Hollywood, bikini girl reveals she has been contacted by Playboy:
"[I've had] a lot of different offers, like Vegas promotion offers. Of course Playboy has called," Darrell said Thursday in an interview with Access Hollywood's Tony Potts.
But it sounds like Darrell is starting to think twice about marketing herself as a sex object.
"I wouldn't say no, but at the same time I don't want to stunt my career by jumping into that too soon and be labeled once again, as 'just a body.' But I don't knock it," she said.
Just a body? Surely the writer that documented that quote left out, "just a body of a 13 year old." If you're either on one of those list from the state that make it hard to go to Chuck E Cheese or playgrounds, been a guest star on Dateline to Catch a Predator, or bare a striking striking resemblence to Nix's friend caught in Cape Coral with the blow up dolls, then this girl is perfect for you. She looks like a underdeveloped 12 year old with pebble teeth that's been hit in the face with a boat paddle. Hugh Hefner certainly has dementia. She would have a much better chance of success on My nephew, Eli, is like 13 and he's out of this girl's league.
Cheryl Cole and some other stars which I could care less about, are rasing money for people facing poverty in the UK and Africa. (Rednose) Nothing about this story is interesting except Cheryl Cole hiking Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money. I think this is my chance to save her life when she slips on loose rocks and she falls in love with her savior. Don't laugh. That's how Kevin Costner landed Whitney Houston in The Bodygaurd. I can picture the opening scene from Cliffhanger except she wouldn't fall to her death, instead fall into to my tent later that night after closing the misquito netting...Malaria is the number one African killer.
Drew thaid(said), "They do it and you're like, 'Oh my God, why would I ever think twicthe about not doing thisth; thisth didn't hurt at all.' And then the guy was like, 'What I didn't tell you isth that for, like, two weekths, ith's justh going to be a little uncomfortable. I couldn't eat, couldn't drink for two weekths - great diet in a weird way. I got it and then I've been thingle(single)ever thince(since)... I did it for myself. I alwayths wanted to get one."
You can hardly understand this chick what does she do...goes and gets a tongue piercing. Jackie Chan's outtakes from Rush Hour are easier to understand than Drew's lisp. It just doesn't make sense. It's the equivalent of Jessica Simpson feeling too skinny and drinking Mega Mass 3000.
I have, through unfortunate circumstances, called northern Florida my long term temporary residence for the last 7 years. Florida, it seems, is a mecca for mass murderers, rapist, drug running, and every other appalling crime in the US. Never though in the history of Florida crimes has there been something so bazaar as this. In fact, in order for this story to be more creepy and Florida"esque" there would have to be a twister mat, wine coolers, now-n-laters, grape jelly, and a wood grain station wagon. Hell, even then, it's not weirder, just differently accessorized.
One more ting...why do cops have such a hard time finding sex offenders. Either I have an expert eye, or they all look almost exactly the same. It's like picking out a one armed one legged man in a police line up.
FEBRUARY 5--A Florida man was arrested yesterday after he was spotted fondling and making out with a pair of blow-up dolls in a supermarket parking lot. Shoppers called cops when they spotted George Bartusek, 51, getting busy in the front seat of his 1998 Lincoln Town Car, which was parked directly in front of a Publix store. Evidence photos (seen below and here) showing Bartusek's inanimate partners were provided to TSG by the Cape Coral Police Department. According to a police report, witnesses told cops that Bartusek was "performing activity to two different blow up dolls in his vehicle that was consistent with masturbation and other simulated sexual activity." He was also spotted "aggressively" kissing the dolls. When confronted by police, Bartusek said that he was headed to Target to "get some clothes for his dolls." Bartusek, charged with breach of peace, was wearing shorts with a three-inch opening "in the crotch area." Of course, he "had no underwear on under the shorts," noted police.
Nix, Cape Coral, you must be so proud. I knew your "Nixapalooza Ricky" was weird.
If you had $15.6 septillion and 94 cents in your account, would you save the world from the economic crisis or build a Death Star, destroy the world, and move on to invade the galaxy?
A guy called Ryszard Gold—who probably is an alien villain from the Outer Rim planets and got a 49-point score in our Geek Social Aptitude Test—made the calculation of the most basic Death Star's price with current materials and space transport costs here on Earth. Here's a quick summary:
• First, assume that 1/10 of the 17.16 quadrillion cubic meters of the Death Star is something other than empty space and 6/10 of the total volume is pressurized space. • That will require 1.71 quadrillion cubic meters of steel, about 134 quadrillion tonnes. That's $12.95 quintillion in current 2008 prices, and that's without counting strange alloys and elements. • Shipping that to space will cost $95 million per tonne: So add $12.79 septillion in transport. • Now you need to add air, which will require 8.23 quintillion cubic meters of Nitrogen, and 1.65 quintillion cubic meters of oxygen, for a total delivery cost of $2.81 septillions and $212.46 quintillion.
The total: $15,602,022,489,829,821,422,840,226.94.
Yes, that's a whooping 1.4 trillion times the current US Debt. Or a sightly more meaningful number: 124 trillion years of war in Iraq.
Socioeconomic status (SES) is determined by a number of factors such as wealth, occupation and schools attended. SES influences the food we eat, hobbies we participate in and can even have an impact on our health. People with an upper SES background can often be accused of flaunting their status, such as by the types of cars they drive or how many pairs of Manolo Blahniks they have in their closet. It is easy to guess someone's SES based on their clothing and the size of their home, but what about more subtle clues? Psychologists Michael W. Kraus and Dacher Keltner of the University of California, Berkeley wanted to see if non-verbal cues (that is, body language) can indicate our SES.
To test this idea, the researchers videotaped participants as they got to know one another in one-on-one interview sessions. During these taped sessions, the researchers looked for two types of behaviors: disengagement behaviors (including fidgeting with personal objects and doodling) and engagement behaviors (including head nodding, laughing and eye contact).
The results, reported in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, reveal that nonverbal cues can give away a person's SES. Volunteers whose parents were from upper SES backgrounds displayed more disengagement-related behaviors compared to participants from lower SES backgrounds. In addition, when a separate group of observers were shown 60 second clips of the videos, they were able to correctly guess the participants' SES background, based on their body language.
The researchers note that this is the first study to show a relation between SES and social engagement behavior. They surmise that people from upper SES backgrounds who are wealthy and have access to prestigious institutions tend to be less dependent on others. "This lack of dependence among upper SES people is displayed in their nonverbal behaviors during social interactions," the psychologists conclude.
Source: Association for Psychological Science
I'm going to translate the abstract of this scientific article.
Rich people are assholes.
Obviously, Andy Samberg and Timberlake hate her as badly as I do.
At a recent concert, Etta James said this about Fatonce:
"You guys know your president, right? You know the one with the big ears?" began her rant, a recording of which was obtained by TMZ. "Wait a minute, he ain't my president. He might be yours; he ain't my president. But I tell you that woman he had singing for him, singing my song — she's going to get her a-- whipped.
4 Things I would rather do than Rosie O: 1). Slide naked down a razor blade banister and fall into a pool of alcohol. 2). Put my junk in a meat grinder. 3). Spend three hours in a room with Beyonce. 4). Drink an AIDS and herpes smoothie.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal judge on Wednesday unsealed hundreds of pages of court documents at the heart of the government's criminal case against Barry Bonds, including positive drug tests that prosecutors linked to the home run king.
The documents also include a transcript of a taped conversation between Bonds' personal trainer and personal assistant discussing injecting the slugger, plus a list of current and former major leaguers, including Jason Giambi, who are scheduled to testify for the government at Bonds' upcoming trial.
The former San Francisco Giants is charged with lying to a grand jury when he said he never knowingly used performance-enhancing drugs. His trial is scheduled for next month.
Federal prosecutors allege that Bonds used steroids, including a once undetectable designer drug.
In the court documents, prosecutors say Bonds tested positive in 2000 and 2001 for the steroids methenelone and nandrolone. Prosecutors want to use those test results to show Bonds lied when he told a grand jury in December 2003 that he never knowingly used steroids.
In addition, a government-retained scientist said he found evidence that Bonds used the designer steroid THG upon retesting a urine sample Bonds supplied as part of baseball's anonymous survey drug testing in 2003.
I'm a little torn on this. On one hand, I'm pissed at the Government for using taxpayers dimes to chase down steriod using millionaire athletes. On the other hand, I'm like, this guy should abide by the law too. He's no better than we are. With Bonds, it's his arrogance that does nothing to ameliorate his situation. He has this swagger that screams, "I'm above the law." Well it appears that this time, he's sh*t in his nest. I'm glad that someone is trying to clean up the game. I find it sad that it takes the Government to manage a sport. The damage steroids has done to baseball won't be healed for years. In fact, it's almost reached the point where no one cares about baseball at all anymore. It's been obvious for years that there's been an overwhelming steroid problem sweeping every position in baseball and Bud Selig has turned a blind eye. I know that with steroids and HGH, you're always chasing the latest, most undetectable illegal agent, but suspending athletes, erasing all records, will certainly be a deterrent for these ego maniacs. One of the saddest parts of the Bonds saga is the fact that he would've been a first ballot HOF if he had never touched the stuff. Now, he's looked at as a tainted cheater. His records, like all other sluggers during this era, show massive spikes in production. They should all be erased.
Here is a chart exposing the slugging spike of Brady Anderson vs other players during the "era."
If this isn't proof enough that performance enhancing drugs improve performance, nothing will.
I hope he serves time in federal prison because that effeminate voice of his will be great foreplay in the yard before the showers.
This is what remains of Jennifer Connelly, the once timeless, hour-glass voluptuous, brunette beauty. This is all that's left of her. You could almost just go ahead and put her in the urn. Women should take note. Losing weight doesn't always make things better. There reaches an age where the female body doesn't respond well to drastic changes in weight. I think the skin just loses it's ability to regain it's intended and disired shape. In cases like Madonna and now Jennifer Connelly, they both bare a striking resemblance to Skeletor. You could take one look at this chick in a bar and be like, "Hey, Where's your hot friend?" It almost pains me to say that considering how hot she was like 15 pounds and three movies ago. It's like someone keeps playing cruel jokes on my privates. One minute she's a sex symbol in a hollywood blockbuster, the next minute next she's playing Tammy in a Lifetime movie about meth addiction and eating disorders called, Double Whammy Tammy.
Good Morning America hosted Angelina Jolie Tuesday morning and among the many questions, they asked about her stepping away from acting.
"I’ve been lucky enough to have a great career and a lot of success. But I wake up every day just the happiest mommy… I don’t want to wake up one day and say I had my career that expanded so much longer and I did that many more films and miss out on all those other things in life."
So she wants to step away from acting to focus on family? The only way Jolie could be more focused on family would be if she had eight(8) nipples, a rechargeable uterus, and the ability to reproduce asexually by cell division.
The Dodgers offered Manny Ramirez 1 year 25 Million and he turned it down. People that are outraged by the alleged greed don't have a clue about production, business, or baseball. These are the facts:
1). Manny sells the hell out of tickets. 2). Manny WILL hit .300 and WILL have 100 RBI 3). Manny WILL be Manny.
When Manny joined the Dodgers, the fans, the city, the merchandise, the team, all of it, became ingulfed in burning excitement and invigoration. The Boston fans could never get over his lack of effort on defense and his lackadaisical approach to almost everything. It's just Manny. He's the best player of our generation...without the juice of course. When he joined the Dodgers, Ramirez initially told manager Joe Torre that he would cut his dreadlocks. However, a few days later Torre said he was "not really concerned at this point" about Manny's hair, while the Dodgers were beginning to produce skullcaps with blue dreadlocks for fans to wear.
Ramirez finished the season with 37 home runs and 121 runs batted in. Among all major leaguers he finished 3rd in batting average, 2nd in slugging percentage, and 3rd in OPS. What's the downside to this guy?
Annmarie Bricker, a 23-year-old from Valparaiso, Indiana, might not be getting invitations to weddings anytime soon. Especially not after beating up a bride on her wedding day.
Oh, and wait, the bride was her own sister!
Bricker wasn't invited to the wedding in the first place. Geez, wonder why????
Despite the lack of invite, she decided to show up to the reception anyway because she "just wanted to talk" to her sis and parents about family problems.
Nice timing!
According to witnesses, when she arrived at the party on January 23rd, she headed to the front porch and began attacking her sister, even pulling out clumps of her hair, police said. She also struck her sister's head and knocked her to the ground.
Bricker was finally arrested on a misdemeanor charge of battery.
The smartass told cops she just went to talk and never even touched her sister. However, five witnesses have come forth contradicting her.
Sometimes people and their redneck tendencies just can't be contained. You can dress them up, give them a trailer twist (French twist), a dress and some flowers, but it won't strip away the trash. Fighting your sister at her wedding is amazing. I would pay at least 1,000 dollars to be a guest at that wedding. Can you imagine the stories?
"Yeah, I was about to sign to the guestbook and the bride's sister came running up and jumped on the back of the bride and just started wailing on her. Bllod was was awesome."
In recent days, my discontent for the so-called stimulus plan hasn't been a secret. I was thinking today, if the Democrats wanted to pass this stimulus package, they easily could. They would face a possible filibuster from the Republicans, but it's unlikely. What I find so arrogant about this plan that has pork everywhere is the fact that the drafters (Democrats) don't believe enough in their own plan to stand behind it and pass it without the affirmation of targeted key Republican leaders. This tactic gives the Democrats a proverbial "out." If things go south with their proposed stimulus, which it will, they will have on the bill signatures of key Republicans. I'm not naive. I know how Washington works. I know it's a cat and mouse, chess match, but this is so transparent. With an almost filibuster proof Senate, the Democrats could easily get this socialistic stimulus package passed, but it's obvious they're terrified of the consequences. A failure of this magnitude in the infant stages of Obama's term would almost certainly guarantee he loses re-election. Why don't we call a spade a spade? This is nothing but a supplemental budget for an already asinine, record setting budget. Millions in ATV trails, STD prevention, 200 million to repair the National Mall, 650 million to repair national Forest Service facilities, are examples of millions...scratch that...billions of dollars going to things that couldn't be squeezed into the already overflowing irresponsible budget or more importantly, creating jobs; instead, it's forced into Barack Obama US Federal Budget 1b. I'm so over this country's move toward Marxism. Communists are such stupid heads.
Chainsaw artist Sam Knowles works on his latest creation — a seven-and-one-half-foot tall Tim Tebow sculpture carved from a dead oak tree…
When asked about the sculpture’s weight, Knowles said that it weighs about one ton, but the roots are still in the ground “so I guess he weighs as much as the Earth.”
Of course Tim Teblow...I'm sorry I mean Tebow tried to talk Percy Harvin into staying at Florida. I bet it went something like this:
" know I've won you two national championships. I won't be drafted in the first or second round despite my enormous muscles, Heisman trophy and big breasted girlfriend. Mel Kiper says I throw like a girl and can't hit the NFL 20 yeard outs, so why don't you and the guys stay around for one more run at this?"