Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Finally an Islamic group speaks out against terrorism...

"The Muslim Council of India is telling the nation's cemeteries that the bodies of gunmen killed by commandos in the Mumbai terror siege should not be buried on Indian soil, The Times of India reported Monday.

The Islamic organization told The Times that they were acting on complaints from several Muslim groups demanding that the bodies not be laid to rest in any Indian cemetery.

According to Leor Halevi, professor of history at Vanderbilt University and author of "Muhammad’s Grave: Death Rites and the Making of Islamic Society," the council is sending a message to the terrorists by calling for Muslim cemeteries to refuse to bury the bodies.

"It's a very strong statement against terrorism," Halevi said. "What they are saying essentially is that by virtue of the terrorists acts, the terrorists who died do not count as Muslim anymore."

This has been a long time coming. Islamic terrorism is unthinkable and cowardly. The only way to punish these misguided nincompoops would be to desecrate the bodies of the dead to disrupt the after life. Nothing will stop this aggressive, radical expansion and defense of the Islamic state, otherwise. Time after time, Islamic groups neither openly denounce, nor support these horrific acts. The indifference underminds anti-terrorism and invigorates radicals. Finally, a cerebral group of Muslims speak with world humanity at heart.

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