Thursday, July 16, 2009

If you don't laugh, you'll cry your eyes out.

Debt-Deficits Change During Presidential Terms

On the dusk of Obama pushing Congress to pass a bill that would essentially cripple health care and in turn, the entire US economy, I thought it would be best to just try and get some laughs from this debacle. For those of you that are completely uninformed and influenced by our completely biased news coverage, I'm going to fill you in on the streamlined effeciency and performance of Government based health care. If you want to know what your health care will resemble, go to your local VA hospital for a day. First of all, there's so much bureaucracy, you'll be lost in a sea of people that can't help you because, "it's not their department." Aside form that though, when you leave the VA after spending a day, my challenge for you is to go anywhere in the United States and try to find a group of people who are more apathetic about their job tasks. The people that weigh and sprinkle the salt on the fries and McDonald's care way more about their job than these people. There is no accountability, there's absolutely no rush whatsoever, and there's no recourse for poor job performance. This would be ok if you're a park ranger employed by the Government, but people, this is going to be your mother, your father, your brothers and sisters, and ultimately you lying on the table begging for quality health care. People in Canada and England come over by the droves to get MRI's, Heart stents, cancer treatments, etc, because they know that the system in their own countries would drag their feet until it doomed their fate. I wish someone would start brewing the coffee for all the idiots in this country. Government does nothing right. NOTHING. How many of you have tried to get a new driver's license lately? How many of you have tried to get a marriage license? Been to a welfare office? Been to any state or government facility? People better start taking these issues seriously because soon enough we're all gonna wake up in a hospital bed having a heart attack while all of the staff members are in the break room watching The Young and the Restless and getting fatter.

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