Thursday, February 26, 2009

David Brooks and New York Times are sinking ships...

David Brooks, of the New York Times, is the most unbiased, honorable, unpartisan news source there has ever been. I espcially like his slip up at :32 seconds, when he mistakenly slips up and "outs" himself as a democrat opposed to the sheer existence of anyone right of the delieverer, Obama. Also again at the 1:00 mark when he says, "some people thought they got too moderate, other people (I, David Brooks) thought they got too weird." This guy is a joke and the reason that almost every major newspaper in the country is failing. Mainstream media outlets are so skewed in this country. To not see this, is a blatant and undeniable admittance to be a card carrying, anti-capitalist liberal. I guess it's not so bad though, our President rides the same socialism/income redistribution train.

Oh David, one more thing, speaking of disasters for parties, the only one I see is your shirt and tie.

1 comment:

PLF III said...

Nihilist? Really? Not exactly the label I would put on the party that pays the bulk of the taxes AND provides the lionshare of charitable contributions. What a choch bag...