Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hey Will Ferrell, Screw You.

This is the epitome of arrogance and and ignorance in Hollywood. Since when do we apologize for being capitalists? Since when is, God forbid, making a profit something we should be embarrassed about? The irony of this son-of-a-bitch is that he made 31 million dollars last year standing on blue taped x's on the floor and reciting some lines in movies that perpetuate your stupidity. The video should say, "Why does Columbia Pictures want to lower actors salaries when they're doing just fine making millions of dollars in profits?" By the way, good job, Will, Step Brothers was amazing. That movie was pure cinematic wizardry. The reason these people always leave you scratching your head because of the stupid things they've said is because they are stupid. Most Hollywood entertainers are famous in their early 20's, if they make it big time. They may claim to have struggled, but who didn't at that age? Who didn't work as a bartender or a server in some restaurant? By the time these people are late 20's their paychecks are more than most CEO's. When things come that easily for you, it becomes easy to feel a little guilt. These people have no concept of reality. ZERO. They don't know the struggles of socialized health care, financial strife, or just trying to make a living in middle America. Their problems are paying their way out of legal woes stemming from Cocaine possession and DUI's, multiple divorces, having people from other countries raise their kids, and rubbing their wealth in the faces of working people in videos like this. It certainly isn't health care. Trust me, they get health care negotiated through the Screen Actors Guild and it's much better than Government Health Care our veterans receive. Will Ferrell, you're a dick. Shut your stupid mouth. No one with a clue is laughing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Commercial policies base prices off of Medicare. Medicare is run by the government. These idiots are not realizing the core issues are MADE by the government.