Monday, January 19, 2009

Who Could've Seen This Coming...???

TMZ reports,

Four Men Down at "Notorious" After Party
Posted Jan 18th 2009 10:38AM by TMZ Staff

By the time the MTV Movie Awards come around, there won't be any one left alive who's actually seen the film "Notorious."

Just one day after a guy was gunned down at a premiere of the film about Notorious B.I.G., four men were stabbed at a NY nightclub following an unofficial after party for the flick.

During the stab-fest at the Djumbala Club, a 21-year-old man sustained multiple stab wounds and is listed in critical condition, while the three others remain stable.

Fox Searchlight denies any connection to the party.

Honestly, there couldn't be a more predictable end to this premiere after party unless you made a movie called Palestinians and Israelis (We're Not Friends) Part 6,506. When a very disguised drink sipping Tupac was approached on an unchartered island for comment he pointed in the opposite direction and yelled, "Look there's Elvis. Picture me rollin..." Then he ran away.

1 comment:


...and if you don't know now you know nigga... i saw this amazing piece of cinematography earlier today. however, i did attend the matinee... on MLK day... right before obama's big day, so I figure many of the would be thugs were caught off guard... and i escaped unscathed. (and with my luck as of late... this is monumentous!) Review: worth watching at home when it is on DVD out of redbox on a rainy saturday... go see Slumdog Millionaire instead... I see a lot of movies... and I mean a lot!