Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I've heard of fiscal irresponsibility, but give me a break.

According to a story by, the economic stimulus aka (Economic ream us) package contains 330,000,000 in STD prevention. 330 million? I've never heard anything more ridiculous. STD prevention? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? I couldn't care less about rotting genitals. STD's will be the least of our worries if the credit crisis isn't addressed and inflation/deflation is controlled. Furthermore, the only group of people that need STD awareness programs are the bathroom stall foot tapping members of Congress. It's funny, if you look up the origin of the word, Congress, you'll find it's Latin for "Coming Together." I couldn't think of a more appropriate term. No wonder they feel the need for STD prevention. Democrats will find a way to waste your money. In the worst financial crisis in nearly 90 years, democrats make HPV and Herpes relavent. That's truly amazing.

Democrats may have eliminated provisions on birth control and sod for the National Mall in the "job stimulus" -- but buried on page 147 of the bill is stimulation for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases!

The House Democrats' bill includes $335 million for sexually transmitted disease education and prevention programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

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